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with Willie and Waylon and the Boys...and swing through Muskogee, Ok on the way, and catch a VR MD in Waller, TX on the way, and try to get obducted in Roswell, NM, and then maybe the 4 corners, and then Wolf Creek Pass a way up on the Great Divide, and meet an old friend in Colorado Springs, and then work my way back home.


Should be fun. :banana:Gotta go find some serious :sun: after this long winter.


Planning on leaving on Wednesday, the 23rd for a week and a half or two. Hoping to get to somewhere well west of St Louis on Wednesday night, and somewhere south of Muskogee by Thursday Night. Hope to be either to Conroe or Waller on Friday Night. We'll see how the weather co-operates with this plan. Gonna be at the S.E. Texas MD at Kregerdoodle's on the 26th and spend the night, and head to Luckenbach and stay there Sunday night. Kind of up in the air from there.


Dynodon, Rick Haywood, EUSA1, anybody else, wanna meet for lunch in central IL next Wednesday??:confused24:


Later, Scooter Bob

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HEY...I've been to Luckenbach a few times and even have PROOF. :)




I heard the bar there has a band every night playin' old country music, and they have 10 acres of camping for bikers.:cool10:


Later, Scooter Bob

HEY...I've been to Luckenbach a few times and even have PROOF. :)



Looks like that might'a been a couple of years ago Don..........

HEY...I've been to Luckenbach a few times and even have PROOF. :)


WOW live faces for the post office wall!!! :stickpoke::stickpoke::stickpoke:



I live about 20 minutes from Luchenbach so give me a buzz..If im not working will meet up.


Found this place right around the corner from Luckenbach! Unfortunately could not hang around for the weekend dance! Looked like this place could be a barn burner!!

Very cool....that is my kind of place. :thumbsup2:


Ya, mine too.:thumbsup2:


I'm expectin' the Bar at Luckenbach to be like that. :confused24:


I hope I'm not disappointed.:scratchchin:


But then again, it's 1,400 miles to get there, with KregerDoodle's MD on the way, so I'm sure I'll be :D no matter what.


Later, Scooter Bob


We will be in Lukenbach on 14 May 2011. This is the end of the San Antonio Ride 4 Troops.


http://www.saride4troops.org/page7.html I will be a ride captain (again) for this is my 5th year riding, 2nd year as a road Cpt. This and the Texas Honor Ride.


It is my hope that any VentureRider in Central and Southern Texas will be able to attend this ride.


Begins this year in Gruene Tx at Gruene Harley Davidson, New Braunfels, Tx, concludes at Lukenbach, Tx.


Let me know if you have any questions about this ride.


Pre-Resgistration Fee: $25.00

Registration Check In: 0800-0930

Ride Day: Saturday, 14 May 11

Start Point: Gruene Harley Davidson, New Braunfels, Tx

Destination: Lukenbach, TX


Riders should fill up with gas prior to arriving at the start point.:scratchchin:



Rick A.




file:///C:/Users/RJ/AppData/Local/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.pngIf Luckenbach does not quench that thirst you will find Albert 15 miles around the corner!! [ame=http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Albert,+TX&daddr=Luckenbach,+TX&geocode=FZe4zAEdIHUf-ilB0OG34Z5bhjF0Oftl_vuDtA%3BFYGIzAEdUBsd-ik7t-3xLpRbhjEbLTTScCWhRQ&hl=&mra=ls&sll=30.181505,-98.75576&sspn=0.031088,0.055189&g=Luckenbach,+TX&ie=UTF8&ll=30.202114,-98.687782&spn=0.124325,0.220757&z=12]Albert, Fredericksburg East, TX to Luckenbach, TX - Google Maps[/ame]
I live about 20 minutes from Luchenbach so give me a buzz..If im not working will meet up.


Will do Tom.:thumbsup2:


I plan on heading over thata way on Sunday the 27th after leaving the SE TX MD in Waller. I might try to get a little lost on the back roads for a while, but I'll give you a ring when I'm in the neighborhood.


Later, Scooter Bob

Oh ya, :scratchchin: might have to try to meet up with RedRider from WI on the way back. He's supposed to be ridin' southwest about that time.


Yup, heading out April 1st or 2nd to New Mexico, Death Valley, Majove NP, Downtown LA, up to Alice's Restaraunt, east to Moonshine, IL, and then home on the 9th. Can't wait.


Too much darn snow and cold this winter.


Scooter Bob, remind me again why we live up here?




Bob, It would be great to meet up with you on your way south. You will have to come very near me.


I will PM you for plans. I will also contact Rick in case he doesn't see this.

Bob, It would be great to meet up with you on your way south. You will have to come very near me.


I will PM you for plans. I will also contact Rick in case he doesn't see this.


Sounds like a plan Don. I'll keep in touch.:thumbsup2:


Bikes all tuned up and checked over and ready to go.:banana:


One week from now, I hope to be in the middle of MO.:cool10:


Later, Scooter Bob

Sounds like a plan Don. I'll keep in touch.:thumbsup2:


Oh No, The Wednesday weather just showed up with 27 degrees overnight and a 30% chance of snow.:bang head:


I'll keep in touch as things get closer (and more believable), but if it looks like snow overnight, I may head out Tuesday night and try to get 3 hours south before dark (and hopefully rain then-not snow).:doh:


Later, Scooter Bob


I sure hope there's sunshine when I get to TX.:sun:


I was planning on leaving Wednesday morning, but the weather guys have been mentioning that four letter word again :snow: for Tuesday night and Wednesday.:bang head:


Looks like I might leave on Tuesday in upper 30's and rain,:rain2: :doh: but at least I can get out of here.:cool10:


DynoDon, does Tuesday work for a drying out lunch in the middle of IL?:confused24:


Later, Scooter Bob

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