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Thank you so much for this video which I had never seen before. It means a lot to me since Sgt. Brennan Gibson was my Grandson. Brennan and Corinna's only child, Kadin, was born on October 6th, 2006 and Brennan deployed on October 10th. At least he had three days to hold his child before he left this world. He died on December 10th and we buried him on his 27th birthday, December 27th, 2006. I was fortunate to have met and talked to a number of the PGR members who were there (I was the old guy in Marine Corps dress blues) and was impressed by everyone involved. I have since become a proud member of the PGR. Thanks to all who participated and God Bless you and God Bless the United States of America.


Semper Fi and Go Airborne!

Claude M Elliott

1st Lt USMCRet

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