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sound/comm system

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I'm looking at buying an '05 black/rasberry RSTD. Thanks to the bike not currently being in rideable shape, I'm having to figure on putting some not so few bucks into it to getting it back on the road. But I'm also looking ahead. I'd like to put some kind of system on the bike that will enable me to listen to my tunes as well as communicate with my RSV riding buddies. I will not be mounting speakers on the bike, headset use only. I'm trying to see what options are available and if there are other ways to do this than something like the J&M cb/radio system.


I've been looking on eBay and seeing what some of the online suppliers have but not having dealt with this kind of set up before [mp3 and a set of earphones while on the Wee Beastie], I'm not sure what would work best.


I have been looking for a RSV but if I can get it at the right price, this RSTD might just end up being something of a steal, even with the extra cash I'll have to put into it over and above the purchase price.


As always, all help gratefully appreciated!!

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We have tried the "cheap" route with intercom/radio etc for Marilyns vstar. We ended up biting down and getting the J+M. Its been the best thing so far. Marilyn and passenger (daughter) can talk to others as it has the cb, they can talk to each other through the intercom and they can both listen to music either through her satelite radio or an MP3 or like player that plugs into the unit. Plus its weather proof up to a toad strangler and by then we are off the road anyway!

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I have the Starcom1 digital stereo unit for three seasons now and it is awesome. It offers complete control of passenger and rider volume (mic and headset) and many interface options. I added the handlebar remote so I can adjust it "on the fly". It interfaces with CB, Bluetooth, MP3 etc. - youy could set it up so you can answer your phone while riding, though I never would want to. :bluesbrother:


We have ours set up so the headset music continues while we talk, like having the stereo on and having a conversation. Also allows separate music for rider and passenger, aux in, aux out etc. It is about the size of a credit card and sits easily under the seat. I wouldn't have anything else after having used this system.


Just google Starcom1 there are getting to be a lot of dealers handling it....

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I recently installed the Starcom1 Advance... a little less feature rich than BobbyDuck's but the more I tweak it into submission the better I like it. Handles an MP3 input, radio comm, passenger-rider and a dedicated Nav audio input.

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I should add some other info. For starters, I don't need an intercom system. As things stand now, I'm literally the only rider in the family. My mum thinks I'm nuts for riding at my age. The hubby was a rider back in the day, but unlike me, has never gotten "back in the saddle' so to speak. Considering his opinion of my driving :D, I doubt he'd ever ride pillon behind me. And until he gets his lazy self in gear and gets his MC license, he won't be riding my bike/s [let him buy his own ;)].


As for the J&M cb set up, from what I can tell, you almost have to buy that in pieces, the radio/cb, the radio mount, the cable, the antenna, etc. One of the reasons for wanting the RSV was that the only things I'd have to buy for it's system was the headset and connecting cable, which is a heck of alot cheaper than having to buy the whole rig. It's one of the drawbacks to buying anything other than a RSV. But I will keep looking and figuring out what I can afford if and when I do buy that RSTD.


Again, all help much appreciated!!

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