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steering head bearing

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had rear tire replaced and steering head bearing,after i picked it up tuesday and road it home i noticed when i swerve back and forth the roar is gone however when i let go of the handle bars it shakes worse than before.(please don't say hold on to the bars)i called the dealer and he said that they cant press the bearing in so after i put 2 or 300 miles on it bring it back and they would re torqe the bearing. to me that sounds a little funny,need some imput.

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This time they are correct. There is not a lot of play allowed in the bearings and normally they need to totally seat themselves, which happens under riding conditions. The difference isn't much, but enough to make a difference.

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I have sometimes over torqued a little, and let sit for about 4 hours or so, and then backed off then re-torqued right. Works on the Honda, and the Ventures I have done so far. :confused24: and check at 1200 to 1500 miles for play. So far only one Honda needed tightening,,,,

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