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Patriot Guard Riders are going to be in a big demand now


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The Patriot Guard has always been in high demand. When our BOD expanded our Mission to include all Veteran's, LEO's, Firefighter's, and EMT's our Mission Count has skyrocketed in every State.

The Organization is not about thwarting the WBC but rendering HONOR and RESPECT to those who have richly earned and deserve such respect from all Americans.

Boomer....Riding for the PGR since 2005. I will stand with the Patriot Guard until the Patriot Guard stands for me.

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Unfortunately judges are not supposed to do the right thing, they must follow the law,



That is because we do NOT have a "JUSTICE" system....we have a "LEGAL" system.


Unfortunately, Justice has very little to do with it.


If you don't believe me...just think of some high profile cases where EVERYONE knew the defendant was guilty...but got off on a "technicality" of the law

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That is because we do NOT have a "JUSTICE" system....we have a "LEGAL" system.


Unfortunately, Justice has very little to do with it.


If you don't believe me...just think of some high profile cases where EVERYONE knew the defendant was guilty...but got off on a "technicality" of the law


That is really not fair, the US system is based on the idea that it is better to let off a few guilty people, than imprison innocent people. Even with the safe guards (technicalities if you wish) innocent people still are found guilty.


You could always move to a country were making sure the guilty are imprisoned is more important than the freedom of the innocent, of course you would never again be able to use the phrase "If you don't do anything wrong, you won't have anything to worry about."

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SECTION 1, Section 42.055(b) Penal Code is amended to read as follows:

(b) A person commits an offense if, during the period beginning THREE HOURS(formerly 1 hr) before the service begins and ending THREE HOURS (formerly one hour) after the service is completed,the person engages in picketing within 1,000 feet of a facility or cemetery used for a funeral service.

This has an effective date of 09/01/2011.

This does not change our mission or the goal of the PGR. This DOES give us a bigger and better tool to work with when doing a KIA mission and working with local law enforcement officials in the prevention of any disturbances.

Its just my humble opinion, but I believe this will now shut BC from entering Texas completely. As an example, if church services start at 10:00 AM, BC HAS TO BE DONE at 7:AM

If the services ends at 2PM,WBC can not do anything til 5 PM.""


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Just joined myself, proud member of the Kentucky chapter. Very respectful group. Thanks to VentureRider.Org I found all the information I have been wondering about. Thanks to the Polkat54 whom started this thread.




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That is really not fair, the US system is based on the idea that it is better to let off a few guilty people, than imprison innocent people. Even with the safe guards (technicalities if you wish) innocent people still are found guilty.


You could always move to a country were making sure the guilty are imprisoned is more important than the freedom of the innocent, of course you would never again be able to use the phrase "If you don't do anything wrong, you won't have anything to worry about."

If that is true why is that money is the biggest factor in determining guilt or innocence. The guilty people found innocent are usually pretty well off while the innocent found guilty usually can not afford a good defence.

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Though it would be a long ride for quite a few... i wonder what it would take to get a majority of the PGR and any other like minded individuals to ALL go and protest for a weekend at THEIR church. ALL at one time. I know smaller groups have done it in the past but I think a formidable gathering protesting them could hopefully be enough that it would help enlist the everyday normal person to take a stand in the future when they see this type of activity.


The problem with most people is that unless it personally effects them, they tend to not get involved (regardless of how they feel about it). I don't disagree with the Supreme Courts ruling at all, I believe our 1st amendment (as well as the rest of the amendments) should be vigilantly protected. I however also believe that it is up to society to balance that extremists out and solve these problems in like manner.


I am from MN and would be more than willing to ride down there and spend a weekend holding a sign voicing MY opinion of them. If others are interested and/or know of more people would be willing to commit to the same, lets make this happen.


All that is needed for evil to exist and conquer is for good people to stand back and do nothing.

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Gothic. That wont help. These people are clearly mentally disabled or influenced heavily. Protesting in front of thier church would not bother them. These radical assemblies beleive that a higher power tells them to do this.

i am athiest and my mother is catholic. Her beliefs are copmpletley different than mine but we agree that a dead human deserves a proper service and burial no matter if he is millitary or civilian. The only people I do not believe need a propper service are killers rapest, extremest and terrorist.

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While I havent joined the Patriot Guard Riders yet....very soon. I am a member of the Christian Motorcycle Association and many of our members are also members of the PGR.

Everyone needs to be very careful around these people because litigation is how they fund themselves.

They get you to do something stupid and then sue you. I heard that they have a guy from their church make their signs and they have reciepts for them that are $10000. So tear up one cardboard sign and your out $10000.

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