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Update/Charlene Surgery............


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Charlene is out of surgery and in her room keeping me running helter skelter..........but thats what I am here for. She is doing well, doc removed 2 discs and inserted a plate with 6 screws. Said she will be good to go, she had one that was really bad and that was the trouble spot but he cleaned it all up and gave her a very good prognosis. She might be going home tomorrow, wow day after major surgery on her neck and going home the day after...............Thanks for all your prayers. We are very greatfull for all the VR family...........


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Good news there Lewis.. Glad all went well..

Charlene, I hope you recover quickly, but if I were you I would baby this along for as "long" as I could so Lewis could keep the laundry, the house and the dishes cleaned...:stickpoke:

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Well, Charlene wasn't even her room at the hospital 24 hours after her surgery, they discharged her and we are now home and she is finally getting some much needed sleep that she didnt get there. She is still sleeping this morning and I wont wake her up, she needs her rest. We are getting close to the end of all these surgery's, she still will need to have the knee done, but that will be later this year. She is so tired of all the pain and discomfort she was in, and she is always telling me she is so sorry she cant do things that we use to do together. She might even be able to get on the bike after this recovery. Those of you that are going to Vogel this year wont believe the difference in her.


Thanks to everyone here for all your prayers and support through all of this, this family is the greatest.:thumbsup:

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Great News Lewis

Glad to hear Charlene is doing better and out of the Hospital. ( Quicker in and out the better )

The knee will be a piece of cake after all she has been through.


Looking forward to Vogal see you there.


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