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I'm not sure if she is a good dog or a bad dog


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Very important, remember, COLD water on blood stains!!!!!


Beyond good dog, excellent dog!!!!!



Water just drives the blood (or any stain) deeper into the carpet. I use only very low moisture cleaning systems and it gets out almost anything. Cleaning the carpet was the easiest part of this.

Fixing the window will just be a PITA.

Fixing the dog will be the hardest part.


Yup she got some more ice cream again today.

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Guest tx2sturgis

Carpet cleaning: $200


New window: $350


Uninjured Girlfriend: Priceless




( I have no idea what your 'costs' are, but whatever they are, they are cheap compared to a raped or murdered girlfriend)



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She is not a trained killer, it came naturally.

And she is no longer sweet or little. :crying:

Ok, I guess she is still sweet......


For some reason she is very camera shy. I got out my camera to take a pic of her to post and she about turned inside out and dove under a table till the camera was put away. If I even reach for the camera she is back under the table in a flash. She even out ran the flash on the camera......:whistling:


Once her leg heals up I know how to sucker her into posing for the camera. She is easily distracted with certain toys, but no running or playing till the leg heals.


This house was broken into once many years ago when I first moved in.

I rebuilt the doors to where there have been 3 break-in attempts since, including this one. None achieved entry, not even the one with the crow bar and sledge hammer. So far 2 of the 3 have been arrested and successfully prosecuted, and restitution paid. I just need a little more time on this one.....

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Great Dog! I am encouraged that your tamed "not a trained Killer" pet was able to recognize an intruder and take action. My black lab has shown no sign of aggression ever but maybe he would if there was a threat. So far if a stranger enters our house, even when we are not there, he rolls over, grins, drools, and wants his nads scratched. Ya, that really scares em off.


Iowa Guy

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you guys are jumping to conclusions....in my opinion.:bang head:

Here's what I think happened.


The Dog comes into the house after having burried its bone,in the back yard... and sees the girlfriend in the arms of this stranger that looks nothing like " flyingfool".

Natural instincts take over the B****. ( am talking about the dog here, now).She, ( the dog,) wants to bite off a piece of rump from the stranger's rear end ....its at its eyelevel...to keep as evidence to show the Master who's out, working hard, trying to put bread and kibbles on the table for the family. The stranger panicks and there's no time to go for the door, so decides to jump out through the window head first. I would take some of that blood for testing to see if it belongs to the dog....

SO.........the dog's a keeper, and deserves rewards for sure. :thumbsup2:


:confused24::Im not listening to:Bunny::witch_brew::sign cmon::sign just kidding::sign02::beer:


how much longer for this winter weather??

Edited by chabicheka
added last line.
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She is not a trained killer, it came naturally.

And she is no longer sweet or little. :crying:

Ok, I guess she is still sweet......


For some reason she is very camera shy. I got out my camera to take a pic of her to post and she about turned inside out and dove under a table till the camera was put away. If I even reach for the camera she is back under the table in a flash. She even out ran the flash on the camera......:whistling:


Once her leg heals up I know how to sucker her into posing for the camera. She is easily distracted with certain toys, but no running or playing till the leg heals.


Now just to make sure I got this right:think::think::think::think: Are you talking about the dog here or the girlfriend :big-grin-emoticon:

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Well I took her in to see the vet cuz I just did not like the way her injuries were healing.

The vet said I did an excellent job of treating the wound and recommended against stitches.

He said this is more like a long puncture wound that needs to hear from the inside out because the tendons are exposed. He said that stitching it up would run a very high risk of infection, and an infection around the tendons is very hard to clear up. So he gave me some antibiotics and some anti inflammatory drugs to help make sue it heals with no issues, and told me to keep doing what I have been doing so far.:mo money:


Spingers just do not like it at all when they are not allowed to be going 100 mph all the time.

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Good Dog?...HECK YEA MAN!!


My mother came home one day a couple of years ago to find her front door kicked open. Whoever did it found an angry Rottweiler inside.........that is as far as they went. nothing disturbed in the house!


My lap dog sleeps with me, nothing moves on the yard that I don't know about.


Yep, yours is a keeper. no question about it.

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