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What do you do when traffic has stopped because people are feeding the bears? I've never come across that senerio on my bike but have wondered that if? What would or should I do?


When driving over the rockies some years back at least a dozen bears were walking boldly amongst the cars. People throwing food out the windows. Some people were even out of there cars taking pictures! Glad I wasn't on my bike.


So, what do you do?

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Get the video camera ready and hope one of those idiots gets mauled.


The video should sell pretty easily for some decent money.


DITTO !!! :thumbsup2:


People doing such idiotic things are only making the situation worse and endangering themselves and others.


I've seen enuf bears in my life ... I just keep on driving doesn't matter if I'm on the scoot on in a cage. However, for those who haven't seen a bear up close, STAY IN YOUR CAGE and DO NOT FEED THE BEARS. If you don't, you just may wind up getting "close and personal" and you don't want to do that with a bear...period!

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Marcarl joins Micarl in saying: U-TURN. On a scoot you are a sitting duck, a meal waiting to happen. If one of those bears decides that you are the target, you would be too late to get out of there, and somebody else will be getting the pictures of that biker being antagonized by the bears.

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Having lived in BEAR territory sit it out or ride like hell out of there; shooting them with a pistol of any size pisses them off and they will get you before they die. Sit still and waiting is the best idea. Unbearable Rod

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Boomer....who sez there are 2 things on earth he won't mess with....1 is bears and the 2nd is a drunken red headed woman who has a knife.:whistling: hey boomer that sounds like my ex girlfriend the redhead not the bear. but there is a fat black bear somewhere in minnesota and i havent seen the redhead since then:whistling:

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We were in Yellowstone last Sept. and traffic was at a crawl, we knew it was probably due to wildlife but we were thinking bison as we had been seeing them all day. We were stuck behind a large rv and we would pull up about 10 feet and stop for a couple of minutes. There were cars parked on both sides of the road for approx a hundred yards, when we finally got to the end of the cars here was this bear. Right beside the road and the rv stopped so that we were dead even with the bear! Told my wife to keep snapping pictures but be quiet and don't startle the bear! After about two minutes the rv finally moved on and we were able to get some distance between us. This bear was literally about ten feet from us, it never looked up at us. I would guess this one was probably about 350 or 400 pounds. It was definately bigger than any I have ever seen around the southeast.




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