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Do you look like I think you do?


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Is that really Russell there in that avatar pic? I thought it was Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings movies.


Also I thought of along the lines of a medevil era wizard. I know the wizard bit is not correct, but the era may be...........




Last winter at the rifle range, someone asked on how bad was the weather, in the last ice age. One of the Master Corporal's replied, go ask the Regimental Sargent Major......

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Just shows what 36 years of clean living and working for our government can do for you.......... :rotfl:

I was gonna post twice actually but thought I should not say something. Must mean I am getting old or nicer with age, not sure which one.



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Then, after communicating with that person for a while, especially the one they didn't like... ya found the person was really quite nice.

...yah, that's what Squidley said when he finally met me!


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Here I'll make it easy for all to see me :shock3:
Hey Brad and Lonna, you didn't even have to put your pic on the site because you've been around the states just about more than anybody here, so everybody knows those faces already, good pic anyway, don't know if I have one worth putting on here?? :whistling: I know my avatar is probably a little too small to see.:o Whoops, I got the pictures reversed, but sort of did a Black Owl, the now picture, (but took off the beard), and the pic of me when I bought my 83 Venture brand new, my hair still has a little color, lol. :rotf:
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Last winter at the rifle range, someone asked on how bad was the weather, in the last ice age. One of the Master Corporal's replied, go ask the Regimental Sargent Major......


Yeah, even the Iraqi officers I worked with in my little vacation trip called me "Haji" (used for old man). For US troops that use those kind of comments I just reply that I regret not having knocked off their grandpa before he had a chance to father any children.

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:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: would never have recognized that was you in the early pic. Looks like a mid 60's hair do........



Maybe Don should run a guess who rogues gallary contest. Folks could send him their usedtowaz pics. He could post them and have members try to gues who's picture it is.

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