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Great Price.. that has dropped about $90.00 in about 4 months.

Also I think the prices are dropping because of maybe a Zumo

650 in the works I bet. ( I also bet the cost will be $999.00) to start




Yep, I do not know why I waited so long to get the Zumo.


there an Awesome GPS.. I can not wait to get lost

again next riding season :whistling: makes it real fun that



Mr. Zumo seems to always get me back home!




and a lot of fun when on a ride in the back woods and some says "hey anyone know where the nearest Gas station is...... Now that is fun I always say I dont but Zumo does..... and off we go.....


Warning.. Another person did some research on that (LOW)

price place.. (not good)....


I guess the price was to good to be true......the best normal

price that is low is running about $625.00 for now.





From the NY Better Business Bureau website:

  • This business has an unsatisfactory record with the BBB
    Business Contact Information
    Additional Business Names:
    A&M Photo World
    Best Camera
    Camera Addict
    Digital Liquidators LLC
    Ghu, LLC
    Preferred Photo
    Prestige Camera
    Regal Camera
    Wild Digital LLC

They show a total of 836 complaints to the BBB (within the last 36 months) - considering that only a small percentage of people who are dissatisfied are going to complain, that's plenty of feedback.

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