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Hi, I drive a 2004 Midnight Venture and I am looking for a new GPS unit. I have an ten year old Garmin Nuvi 360 but it has too many restrictions.


I am looking for something that I can set multi way points with and that can retrace my route.


What are you folks using and what do you suggest?


Thank you in advance


Chris in Red Deer, Alberta


If you do a search you will find a LOT of discussion here on that subject. You really can't search for GPS because that is too few letters for the search engine but search for Garmin and you'll find a lot of posts.


It really comes down to how much money you wish to spend. A lot of us took our second mortgages on our homes and went with Zumo 550, 660 and 665 models. They are expensive but pretty much cover all the bases. I have a Zumo 665 and it is a grat unit. It comes with the XM puck and really works well.

Hi, I drive a 2004 Midnight Venture and I am looking for a new GPS unit. I have an ten year old Garmin Nuvi 360 but it has too many restrictions.


I am looking for something that I can set multi way points with and that can retrace my route.


What are you folks using and what do you suggest?


Thank you in advance


Chris in Red Deer, Alberta


Will it be only on the bike or another vehicle, or do you want hand held useage as well (geocashing for example)???


If you're looking for a bike GPS, the Garmin ZUMO line is awesome. I have the 450 model, a few years older than the latest greatest but it does it's job well.. and then some.. I'm trying not to look at the newer models as they have more bells and whistles than mine.. but you know how it is..


the ONE important thing to know about bike GPS is NOT to keep looking at it.. but to use the voice prompts.. Looking at your GPS in traffic is a sure way to get killed. Luckily for us, the RSV's sound system carries the voice loud and clear. Imagine driving through a large city's super highway and you have to navigate onto this ramp, to that ramp, and then back up that ramp, avoiding getting off at the wrong ramp.. blech this could drive you nuts because you're also SO busy trying to stay alive amongst the cagers while they shave and read books while driving.. The voice prompts will tell you to "keep left" Keep right.. etc and works rather well.


Its always best to play with your GPS at home on your home turf to see how it reacts and plays with the roads.. sometimes it will send you off on a tangent because it doesn't know the intimacies of your local roads.. or the maps aren't updated and you suddenly find yourself tracking through a forest on the GPS map.. that was an odd one.


Ideally, find yourself a model GPS that comes with the bike AND car adapter.. I use mine in both vehicles and bike. And I've used it on foot, though the accuracy isn't like a hiking GPS or GeoCaching one.


Use it as an AID.. don't rely on it 100%.. use it as a tool. Tons of benefits.


After reading a LOT of reviews, and talking to people here. I have the Garmin Nuvi 765T and mount on its way. Found both on ebay. I wanted a MP3 player and GPS. With this I get them both :cool10:


Simple search for nuvi 765T will yield a few units.


Here is the weatherproof mount Bike [ame=http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=390272558738&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT]Bike mount w/ waterproof case for 4.3 inch GPS units - eBay (item 390272558738 end time Mar-16-11 14:08:06 PDT)[/ame]

After reading a LOT of reviews, and talking to people here. I have the Garmin Nuvi 765T and mount on its way. Found both on ebay. I wanted a MP3 player and GPS. With this I get them both :cool10:


Simple search for nuvi 765T will yield a few units.


Here is the weatherproof mount Bike Bike mount w/ waterproof case for 4.3 inch GPS units - eBay (item 390272558738 end time Mar-16-11 14:08:06 PDT)



I've been using that mount for a while and like it. I can put my cheap Garmin in there or my expensive Tom Tom. I didnt think there was enough foam spacers included with that waterproof case so I cut up one of those thick foam drink koozies to help keep the GPS tight against the plastic window.


Hi folks,

Thank you for all the great information. I want to be able to port the GPS from the bike to the car and from the car to the bike.


I am looking at the newer Zumo but boy, they are expensive.


I'll let you know.


Thanks again


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