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I am into anything that can be flown via radio control. My smallest plane has a 0.010 cubic inch (0.16 cc) engine, largest has a 250cc (15.26 ci) engine, or a jet turbine.


Cool do I win now???????













I'm not good at waiting......

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I am into anything that can be flown via radio control. My smallest plane has a 0.010 cubic inch (0.16 cc) engine, largest has a 250cc (15.26 ci) engine, or a jet turbine.


Do you have a Jet Turbine radio plane engine????:sign kewl:

OK folks...here is what I'm going to do. The prize will be a $159.00 gift certificate from Motorcycle Gear ( previously New Enough). You can check them out by clicking on their banner when it comes up at the top of the page. Please note, their program has changed and VentureRider ONLY gets credit from them IF you enter their site by clicking on the banner above when making your purchases. :)


Now for the contest. We all know that we share a common interest in motorcycle riding. That is the one thing that brings us all together here. What else do we know about each other though? Some of us know each other better than others due to eats and meets, local rides, etc. There are some that we know hardly nothing about though.


So, to be entered in the drawing the for gift certificate, all you have to do is reply to this thread and tell us ONE MORE hobby that you enjoy in addition to motorcycling. It could be gardening, bee keeping, guitar or other instruments, auto racing....whatever but you have to list at least ONE other interest.


That's all there is to this one folks. The contest will run until next Friday at midnight. That is Friday the 25th. First thing on Saturday morning I will randomly draw a winner from all who post to this thread with their hobby or interest.



I would say my second most enjoyable hobby, if you could consider it a hobby, is doing random acts of kindness for folks that are in need...pushing cars out of snowbanks instead of driving by, snowblowing the neighbours driveways, cutting the neighbours lawn, participating in fundraisers for persons who are ill and in need....actually gives me a real satisfied feeling with myself as a person and the world in general when I can do something like this. Hobby or not, if more would do this, I think the whole world would be a better place.




Hi there, My name is Glenn.

I'm a Capricorn, and I enjoy motorcycling, shooting, snowmobiling, boating, and just about anything with a motor on it. I like long walks in the rain, and watching the sun set.


I adore puppies, earn a good living, and I'm faithful as an old hound.....but I won't chew up your furniture or make a mess on your rug. (well, not very often at least) I cook, clean, and do laundry. I may be used, but I'm not used up.




Well, most of that is true. Except for the part about walking in the rain, and watching the sun set, and not chewing up your furniture or making a mess on your rug. And I don't cook very often or really even clean anything. Come to think of it, I'm pretty much used up, too. Now that it's out there, I don't earn that good of a living either........:confused24:


my main hobby outside of riding and making my wife smile is hunting. It gives me a chance to be alone and calm down from the rat race. ANd as the wife and I only eat about 2 deer a year it also gives me a chance to help others in need.





I like to hunt, fish, target practice, travel, BS'ing, having a beer or two or twelve, eating and playing with the little women. :whistling: (Not in that order either).:innocent-emoticon:




I started woodcarving a few years ago and I also do woodworking. The carving is good for taking your mind off things. You can sit in the living room and let the chips fly. Just get the sweeper out when your done. Both get my attention when I have the time.




trolling bike forums, travelling, planning bike runs, throwing apple computers in the recycling bin, watching movies, reading local history.





Billiards / pool..........it is my other passion...

When it is sunny, I ride...when it is raining ...I play billiards / pool


After reading the others posts, I'm a boring guy. I just like helping out my kids and a few friends; fixing their cars (junkers) and home repairs/improvements. I get a lot of satisfaction with helping others with my skills. My wife says I need a hobby other than ridin' bikes and I say I like to just keep busy. :confused24:


I recently started target shooting over this past winter. Guns in general and shooting has become habit forming just like riding. Funny thing about guns and shooting compared to bikes, they both consume a good deal of :mo money:



2) Firearms/Shooting

3) Boating

4) Fishing

5) Archery


7) Guitar


9) Leather Crafts

10) Sofa Surfing

11) Trouble/Instigating

12) Snoozing

13) Hunting

14) Strip Poker

15) Chewing Tobacco Spitting!

16) Day Dreaming

17) Running around Naked on the porch


Need anymore for me to List ?





1. Volunteer at the hospital.

2. Sell girl scout cookies

3. Cook at the homeless shelter.

4. Meals on Wheels delivery person.

5. Donate blood 3 times a week.

6. Help little old ladies cross the street.


Wait, I don't do any of this stuff.

Just wanted to enter a contest.





Cooking on the BBQ grill....Many rewards from this,bringing more friends into the fold and a simple way to deal with the stress at times. Alot of MC riders pass by here and stop to talk when seeing my bike so its BBQ time again! No better way to meet new people. I guess this is a Hobby?

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