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Seems like one wasn't enough for the cagers. This was a Patriot Gaurd rider. And there is no question of who was at fault.



i hate it that a fellow bike & PGR rider died this way. personally i don't believe 'cagers' are all out to get bikers. i try to put myself in a situation like the driver of the suv and think maybe a super quick glance in the mirror and seeing no other cage i move quickly to the other lane and a bad decision costs the bikers life. we are conditioned mostly to look for cars, trucks and the like and we often miss the motorcyclist due to the smaller footprint they present. i must believe the driver of the suv is sick at heart for the tragedy. i believe the most alert and defensive driver probably wouldn't stand a chance in this situation (unfortunately). wasn't too long ago i was changing lanes, using turn signals and checking my mirrors and as i just completed my lane change i noticed a motorcycle in my lane, where he came from i cannot say. i believe we need to be less judgmental in this type situation and ask ourselves, could this have happened to me (as the cager that is). my heartfelt condolences go out to the biker & his family & i hope the one driving the suv can forgive themselves.

watch the video (only once) and count how many times those dressed in WHITE pass the basketball. you may be surprised at how selective we are in what we see.



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