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Not my idea of a bike ride.

Gary N.

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Yesterday, was a beautiful sunny day here in central Florida. We were going to head out on the bike and explore some of the areas we haven't been to yet but some of the other folks in the park invited us to join them for a ride. Great idea, I thought, it's always nice to ride with someone who may know of some good riding in the local area. So we head out at about 12:15, stop to top up the gas tank and off we go. Sixteen miles up the road I see everyone (four other bikes with five people) slowing and turning into a bar. Maybe a great place to eat, I think. Nope, $1 drafts. OK, go with the flow, I'll have a diet coke. Half an hour later we're ready to roll again. Nice ride, seeing some different country and starting to enjoy the trip. Now what? Another thirty miles and now we're pulling into another bar. We don't want to be rude and I'm getting hungry so in we go. Again $1 drafts and just awful deep fried bar food. But it's a nice sunny day and we're sitting on a patio overlooking a nice river. An hour later off we go again. Four lanes, heavy traffic with lots of strip malls etc. After thirty miles of this we turn off the four lane on to a nice country road and start heading toward the gulf. We stop again but this time it's a nice beach area. The beer drinkers run into the restroom for a quick pit stop and ten minutes later away we go. Back into the traffic for about ten miles or so then a main two lane road but at least it's out in the country. Another thirty miles and you guessed it, another bar. By this time it's getting to be about 5:00, dark in a little over an hour and I've had enough bars. I gave everyone a honk and a wave and off I went. Hope they didn't think I was rude but if they did, too bad. I went back to the space shuttle, put my feet up and enjoyed a nice cold beer out on the patio.

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Maybe next time you can invite them to ride with YOU. Lead and show them what you like. Could be some of them are just followers, and would rather ride than drink, but it's all they know. There could be a diamond in that rough. My $0.02.




I like the way you think Dave.

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Yesterday was a sunny day here back home as well Gary, and beautiful IF you enjoy a high of -12.....last night with the wind chill about -28...or so.


I don't ride with boozers....any vehicle that requires the use of ten fingers and ten toes to operate, kind of dictates full capacity gray matter involvement as well.....so.....it's my choice, and I'd rather ride sober.


I too enjoy Dave's suggestion, perhaps there were some followers...who just needed a leader as great as you are. I've always thoroughly enjoyed riding with you and Mary....keep it up!



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I'll drink a cold one with a meal but limit myself to one... I noticed a great many people that attended Quakerstate MD at freebirds did the same. There is nothing wrong with that.

I've always had a motto though... You can only do ONE THING extreemely well at a time. If I'm gonna ride I ride... Operate a chainsaw... etc... you get my point...


Quite frankly call me selfish or what you will, but I am not gonna hang around a bunch of bike riding drinkers and take on the possibility of having explain an accident to his loved ones that include the words "we left the bar...


Nuff said...

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Been there, once, done that. Never again.

Summers are to short here to begin with. The hubby and I aren't going to waste precious riding days, by stopping every 10 min at a bar.

Don't get me wrong, when we're done for the day after being out in the warm weather, nothing tastes better than an ice cold brewsky, but I love riding to much!:dancefool:

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Hope they didn't think I was rude but if they did, too bad.

We shouldn't think it is rude if anyone leaves the group ride. I do it often....and everyone knows I'm the least rude around here. :whistling: Any reason could come up for leaving a group ride, and without CB radios there could be no opportunity to tell anyone. Ride on...with a honk and a wave is perfectly OK.

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I know I like to drink beer

I have seen some ice their beer down in the saddle bag; don't have to go to the bar that way.

hmmmmmmmmmm, I wonder who on earth Woody could be talking about?


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Funny thing about it is there wasn't one bar hopper in the bunch. 3 HDs, 1 GW and 1 RSV. All touring machines and built to ride long distances. I don't mind stopping every hour or so on a group ride for a pit stop or a DQ. When I'm riding alone I can go tank to tank but usually stop every couple of hours or so with my co-pilot aboard.

Anyway, we won't get a chance to ride with this group again. We're moving out tomorrow. The weather man says the jet stream is heading north so I think it might be safe to start heading west.

Edited by Gary N.
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Well, you just answered my question, what kind and make of bikes,,,


I agree totally Gary, if you have a touring bike then, by golly, TOUR on them!! I can see stopping say every 1 1/2 hr or so for potty and refreshment breaks but bar hopping is NOT my idea of fun either!! Gonna drink? Stay home!!

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