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I stopped watching football and TV in general several years ago after I realized that I didn't really know the players anymore and that I had to much life going on. So after reading through all of this I decided to watch the game. I had recorded it thinking I might want to watch funny commercials. Loved the game, thought the commercials, for the most part sucked, although the dog running into the glass had me smiling, and hated to see The Black Eyed Peas have terrible audio. But the real treat for me was seeing Roger Staubach during the trophy cermony! There was my childhood hero! How did he get so small, and so old! It was a hote to see him and Terry Bradshaw together! My immediate family was from Washington DC and they thought I had turned traitor! But I'm a Cowboys fan, and during the Joe Montana years a 49ers fan! Anybody remember Billy Kilmer with the Redskins?

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I know you all have seen it, but it still brings a tear to my eye, and after last night I needed to see it again:thumbsup2:here is Whitney Houston's version.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5WVDARznt8]YouTube - Whitney Houston - Super Bowl XXV (1991) - The National Anthem (the definitive version)[/ame]



In most businesses that I know of, if you are going to receive money in return for services, you have to do the job correctly and the way it was contracted. For the NFL to contract anyone to see to these services for their super bowl and allow this to happen is a travesty. This is the same kind of thinking that teaches our kids that it is OK to break the law and then come back and be paid millions as a quarterback. (only one example of many) Get back to the old way. You do a good job, you get paid. You do a lousy job, you either fix it or don't get paid and you don't get to sue for you inability to perform up to standard. (oh wait, our stands keep getting lowered.) I know I am rambling but it really picks my berries to see stuff like this happening when trying to raise and teach a 14 and 15 year old the proper way.

I agree with a previous statement, this would not happen in other countries. Try something like this in Saudi!!!! The outcome would be handled in the square.






OK, I'm done!


In most businesses that I know of, if you are going to receive money in return for services, you have to do the job correctly and the way it was contracted. For the NFL to contract anyone to see to these services for their super bowl and allow this to happen is a travesty. This is the same kind of thinking that teaches our kids that it is OK to break the law and then come back and be paid millions as a quarterback. (only one example of many) Get back to the old way. You do a good job, you get paid. You do a lousy job, you either fix it or don't get paid and you don't get to sue for you inability to perform up to standard. (oh wait, our stands keep getting lowered.) I know I am rambling but it really picks my berries to see stuff like this happening when trying to raise and teach a 14 and 15 year old the proper way.

I agree with a previous statement, this would not happen in other countries. Try something like this in Saudi!!!! The outcome would be handled in the square.






OK, I'm done!


:sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::clap2::clap2::clap2:


Ya know..... with all on here that didn't like the way our NATIONAL ANTHEM was sung the only way the N.F.L. will change how they interveiw for it is if they get the complaints period...


Just sent mine! :Bunny:


They should have hired these girls....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKCVS57j284&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - The Cactus Cuties sing The National Anthem Original Video[/ame]


Let me first say that I also hate the way that modern "performers" try to personalize our National Anthem. Wanna do that to popular music? I'm ok with that....just don't do it to one of our country's national treasures. CA and the rest of these performers need an attitude adjustment.


That said, I'd like to ask a question. How many of you have performed in public? In particular, how many of you have sang in public? Did you do it perfectly every time? Are you willing to bet your life that you would never forget words to the national anthem if you had to sing in front of millions of people?

I sang publicly for many years. Never did get completely over the "nerves" associated with this. Even though I'd like to be able to puff my chest out and assure everyone that I would never forget the words to our anthem....I know better. Nerves can make you forget your mother's name!


I agree with the calls to return to the original style of the anthem, but I also think we need to cut a little slack to someone who forgets or mixes up the words. It ain't easy, don't knock others until you've done it yourself.


JMO, :whistling:

Let me first say that I also hate the way that modern "performers" try to personalize our National Anthem. Wanna do that to popular music? I'm ok with that....just don't do it to one of our country's national treasures. CA and the rest of these performers need an attitude adjustment.


That said, I'd like to ask a question. How many of you have performed in public? In particular, how many of you have sang in public? Did you do it perfectly every time? Are you willing to bet your life that you would never forget words to the national anthem if you had to sing in front of millions of people?

I sang publicly for many years. Never did get completely over the "nerves" associated with this. Even though I'd like to be able to puff my chest out and assure everyone that I would never forget the words to our anthem....I know better. Nerves can make you forget your mother's name!


I agree with the calls to return to the original style of the anthem, but I also think we need to cut a little slack to someone who forgets or mixes up the words. It ain't easy, don't knock others until you've done it yourself.


JMO, :whistling:


A Question back atcha...


Would she have forgotten the words if she'd have sung it straight instead of being obsessed with cramming all the notes into a measure and stylizing the crap out of the thing?


Granted, we would probably forget the lyrics but this girl is supposed to be a PROFESSIONAL, we are not. She gets paid for doing it, it's her job!


Personally, professional or not, If i were singing for the Superbowl, I think I'd have a teleprompter, just in case. ;)

A Question back atcha...


Would she have forgotten the words if she'd have sung it straight instead of being obsessed with cramming all the notes into a measure and stylizing the crap out of the thing?


Granted, we would probably forget the lyrics but this girl is supposed to be a PROFESSIONAL, we are not. She gets paid for doing it, it's her job!


Personally, professional or not, If i were singing for the Superbowl, I think I'd have a teleprompter, just in case. ;)


We really don't know if she'd have forgotten the words if she was just singing it straight, or even if she would have gotten them right with a teleprompter. We're just guessing. One thing I do know is how badly I have muffed the words to songs when I have the lyrics right in front of me. I'm telling ya, nerves can do wacky things.

Don't get me wrong, as I said earlier I hate what is being done to our anthem as much as any of you. It's just hard for me to criticize someone for forgetting words. Been there, done that, agonized over it.

Oh, and I absolutely HATE this style of music where you can't tell what the melody is supposed to be because they have 6000 notes per measure!! Makes me turn it off when I hear that stuff.


Oh, and I absolutely HATE this style of music where you can't tell what the melody is supposed to be because they have 6000 notes per measure!! Makes me turn it off when I hear that stuff.


I do know what you're saying.


To be honest, I didn't even know she'd messed up the words until the next day because I was griping out loud, while she was singing, how crappy it sounded the way she was singing it. :Bunny:

Let me first say that I also hate the way that modern "performers" try to personalize our National Anthem. Wanna do that to popular music? I'm ok with that....just don't do it to one of our country's national treasures. CA and the rest of these performers need an attitude adjustment.


That said, I'd like to ask a question. How many of you have performed in public? In particular, how many of you have sang in public? Did you do it perfectly every time? Are you willing to bet your life that you would never forget words to the national anthem if you had to sing in front of millions of people?

I sang publicly for many years. Never did get completely over the "nerves" associated with this. Even though I'd like to be able to puff my chest out and assure everyone that I would never forget the words to our anthem....I know better. Nerves can make you forget your mother's name!


I agree with the calls to return to the original style of the anthem, but I also think we need to cut a little slack to someone who forgets or mixes up the words. It ain't easy, don't knock others until you've done it yourself.


JMO, :whistling:

I never ripped her for messing up the words. I was mad at the way OUR Anthem was treated. She couldve sang it prefectly word for word and I would've posted the exact same thing. I myself dont sing, even Kareoke at a bar. But I will sing the anthem at a game etc. When the Anthem is sung correctly, the proper way, by a person who can truely sing, there isnt a better version out there. The song is hard enough to sing all by itself. Leave it alone, and let the singers true talents shine.
I never ripped her for messing up the words. I was mad at the way OUR Anthem was treated. She couldve sang it prefectly word for word and I would've posted the exact same thing. I myself dont sing, even Kareoke at a bar. But I will sing the anthem at a game etc. When the Anthem is sung correctly, the proper way, by a person who can truely sing, there isnt a better version out there. The song is hard enough to sing all by itself. Leave it alone, and let the singers true talents shine.


Well, I don't think I ever even hinted that YOU ripped her for messing up the words. However, if you read the entire thread, you will see that some people did. I was just trying to remind all of us that none of us is perfect. We all can and do screw up. And usually, when I do it, it is in front of a bunch of witnesses!


If your throat had taken as much abuse as her throat has, your singing probably wouldn't be much better. ;)


She had to get famous somehow.... :D

But I will sing the anthem at a game etc. When the Anthem is sung correctly, the proper way, by a person who can truly sing, there isnt a better version out there.


I sing it every time I'm at a game or a venue where it is done. The thing is, when the person sings it as CA did, nobody BUT her CAN sing it. My point is we've gone from the National Anthem being OUR song... the nation's song... to the National Anthem being the "possession of" whichever Celebrity happens to be singing it.


I love to sing bass lines and I love singing the National Anthem when those around you are singing it. I would love to hear a stadium of people sing the Anthem. I'd bet it would raise goosebumps to hear a stadium full of people singing.


Just give me a good military band on the PA and let me and all the others sing it like it was meant to be sung!! :thumbsup2:

If your throat had taken as much abuse as her throat has, your singing probably wouldn't be much better. ;)


She had to get famous somehow.... :D


Now THAT was funny :happy65::happy65::happy65::happy65::happy65::happy65:

and probably true




I think she, Christene Agu.something, went to the same music school as Rosanne and I wouldn't feed her bones to my dogs.

I am an avid hockey fan (Go Flyers!). My wife would say NUT, not fan. Anyway, I watch ALOT of games with the sports package she buys for me every year. I have noticed that at games being played in Canada, I have NEVER once, EVER, seen anyone, including celebrities, sing O, Canada with their own little "twist" to it. I think if one of them ever tried, our friends from the north wouldn't let them out of the building! Now that's patriotism! I also noticed that alot, maybe even most, of the the fans in attendance actually sing along, and the ones that don't, at least remain silent. I don't see that at most Flyers games anymore. People won't even be quiet for the anthem, let alone sing along. Also, when I watch the games on TV, most of the time, they don't even air the singing of the national anthems! I guess it's not PC to be patriotic in America anymore... sad. Good on ya' to our friends in the Great White North!



Don from Harrisburg, PA.

I've been under the impression that public events versions of OH CANADA have to go through some approval process to ensure the variation of the song meets code (whatever that is) before that can be played before a public audience. This one is played in my school on Fridays...a favourite of mine because of the way it ends...makes everyone wait for that last word...wait for it, wait for it...before they sit down.[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJI6RE2DK0E]YouTube - The Nylons - O Canada[/ame]
... It ain't easy, don't knock others until you've done it yourself....


JMO, :whistling:



Just so my soapbox was legal...

Sang with the "Sounds of America" for 5 years doing shows all over the US. Probably sang the National Anthem hundreds of times. Can't say I ever forgot the words. Did it traditionally every time. The shows were done for many companies, groups and every division of the military. It was our patriotic DUTY to do it correctly.

My rant stands.... do it right or dont get paid.

Well, I don't think I ever even hinted that YOU ripped her for messing up the words. However, if you read the entire thread, you will see that some people did. I was just trying to remind all of us that none of us is perfect. We all can and do screw up. And usually, when I do it, it is in front of a bunch of witnesses!


I'm not angry with your post or anything, and I didnt mean for it to come off that way. I just cant stand this crap. To be honest even a clip of Whitney Houston was on here. Also a recording of it was played at a high school game tonight that I attended. You couldnt sing it any better than Whitney did, but i'd have loved to hear her sing it word for word the way it is supposed to be. And to be honest, after her version it opened the flood gates. I think everybody thinks, I can be remembered just like her if i do it special......

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