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I may have done it.....


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This house isn't your typical Doublewide. Its a Modular built home. around here you can get one 2 floors high and about 3500sqft. When this house was built it was still classified as a double wide. built in a factory and moved in 2 pieces. They move these things with drywall on the 2x4 walls with no cracking. IMOA they are built better then other homes. Try and move a typical home 100 miles and see what happens. This ERA of factory built home has some problems that have been since made better. If it wasn't for the thick wall where they bolt the two peices together you would never know it wasn't a built on site house. I hope she gets it because it is one heck of a deal even after the repairs that are needed.

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Kinda scary doing this on my own.




That is the very reason that I brought TC. I knew that you needed help and i'm not qulified to answer real estate questions. The first agent you talked to seemed like she was blowing you off. You shouldn't have to do it on your own when you have friend willing to help.:happy34: BTW say hi to Jean for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well finally heard whether I get the house or not. Answer is not. Oh well, there's more places out there for me to go look at and maybe one will be the right one. These people took their sweet time about answering. They wouldn't answer my real estate agents calls or emails. Just hope the folks who wanted this place know what they got into.


Well on to the next one. If I can get any time off work to do this.



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Thats too bad I know you were really wanting that place. I guess that new owner better keep the eyes in the back of their head open or they could get a bucket of water poured on them.





Sorry you didn't get it Mini. I'm sure something better will come along.

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When you find another one request a "Holmes Inspection" he destroy's it and rebuilds it so its a new older home..... :rotf:

Couldnt resist, but sounds like that one was just not the right one. The house Im in I looked for 2 yrs before settling and dealt with this purchase for a year. You will get your home when its right. ;)

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