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Boy, you don't have much time to visit. Been there done that and you've got 10 solid days travel it you push it. But you might be one of those younger whipper-snappers that can iron butt. :rotf:


16 days, averaging 350-375 a day.


Two vacation weeks + 3 weekends at the end of May / Beginning of June Already working on being in better shape for it. My lovely wife is starting to get into the whole thing :cool10:


Here's our trip...East half of Route 66. Plan on taking 10-12 days but may take longer if there is more we want to see...plan to camp along the way with a hotel stay every 3-4 days and a 2 week stay when we get to OK (we are starting in Colorado Springs).


Thom, looks like G and H could be Phoenix and the Grand Canyon. My wife has a love affair with the Grand Canyon and is always looking for an excuse to ride up there. If you wish, let me know what your plans are in Arizona so that we can meet. Geo


My wife and I rode up to Laremie, WY and across South Dakota to Sturgis one summer. I will never ride across S. Dakota again. There was about a 50 mph cross wind for 2 days. My wife had to hold her glasses on for two days. I wasn't enjoyable at all. It was great when we got into the mountains but the flat land was hell to ride in.

  Midrsv said:
Here's how we plan to spend our 2 week summer vacation. The route isn't totaly set but pretty close.





If your going by Murdo S.D. stop in to the museum there. It isn't very fancy but has some unusual things in it. :D

  ctraylor said:
My wife and I rode up to Laremie, WY and across South Dakota to Sturgis one summer. I will never ride across S. Dakota again. There was about a 50 mph cross wind for 2 days. My wife had to hold her glasses on for two days. I wasn't enjoyable at all. It was great when we got into the mountains but the flat land was hell to ride in.


Heck here in eastern SD we consider a 20 mph wind a breeze. But I hear ya, I've been in a couple of those "blustery days". Usually I dont ride in those, but when you are traveling you dont have that much of a choice. But the Black Hills doesnt usually get hammered like that. In the eastern part of the state, we need our corn to grow higher. Makes for a better wind break.


A couple of suggestions on the route -


1) Alice's Restaurant - just south of San Fransisco. Get the burger and a tshirt.


2) If you are going this far south, don't miss Hwy 170 from Presidio, TX to Big Bend NP. Amazing scenary.


Have a great time.




We have not decided on a date to leave yet, however we do have a route planned! However we are making sure we have a escape route just in case the weather turns bad. Nothing worse to ruin a trip with days of bad weather. One or two bad days is ok but lets not have more!

Note check out the attached pdf file I put toghether on our trip.


Also check out the link to my blog of our trip west in May June of 2008.






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