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A Not so Happy Anniversary


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It's the 25th Anniversary of Challenger. The loss of 7 lives that we all witnessed.

Commander Francis R. Scobee, Pilot Michael J. Smith, Mission Specialists Judith A. Resnik, Ellison S. Onizuka, Ronald E. McNair and Payload Specialists Gregory B. Jarvis and Sharon Christa McAuliffe

The last image of them all were there smiling faces as they headed on to the shuttle.

We lived in Portsmouth VA at the time I was home with the kid (she was only 2 back then).

So do you remember where you were that sad day when you heard or saw it?



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Wow my mom said she was feeding me at the time. I was only 5 months old at that time. :whistling: Not that I'm trying to make ya feel old or something. :Laugh:





I was in second grade, so you are getting really close to the big 5-0, Miss Thing. :backinmyday:



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It's the 25th Anniversary of Challenger. The loss of 7 lives that we all witnessed.

Commander Francis R. Scobee, Pilot Michael J. Smith, Mission Specialists Judith A. Resnik, Ellison S. Onizuka, Ronald E. McNair and Payload Specialists Gregory B. Jarvis and Sharon Christa McAuliffe

The last image of them all were there smiling faces as they headed on to the shuttle.

We lived in Portsmouth VA at the time I was home with the kid (she was only 2 back then).

So do you remember where you were that sad day when you heard or saw it?





I was at work in Boynton Beach Fl. It was a very cold clear day and I was watching the smoke trail from the rocket. I had seen most launches from the Cape over the years. All of sudden there were a number of smoke trails spiraling off and it was obvious that something had gone terribly wrong. Went inside and they announced on the TV that there had been a "caatstrophic event".


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I remember where i was that morning. I was sitting in front of the TV. It was a Monday Morning, My father had died the day before and i was starting to write his eulogy. I had stopped to watch the launch. I couldn't believe what I was watching. Our families sadness was only amplified that day. Its a day I never forget because if this tragedy.:2143:

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I was working day shift and listening to the AM in my cruiser. No FM for us at the time. I heard it being talked about and I rushed home which was only a mile away. I stayed glued to the TV for quite some time. It seemed like our police radio died for hours with nothing happening anywhere in the county. Maybe everyone, including crooks and such were all watching the same thing.

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My father in law was quality control inspector/photograper on the shuttle program, and a few years prior I had private tour at the cape. It was a dream that after my military career the shuttle program would be my next job.


I was assigned in Korea, (K16, Seoul air base, 55th Avn), and had alarm set to radio. Usually hit snooze couple of times, but this morning I heard the news, as in a dream, and shot straight up. Felt sick. Although NASA did not know me, I felt like an insider(with my dream), and it hurt real bad. Never forget the TV images.

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