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Good Grammar not always good


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I think I'm going to live. Got fired up this afternoon and trimmed some bushes that were overdue. Didn't take much to send me back to the house. Bug took more out of me than I thought. We had sun and wind. I think Spring is here. It will probally snow tomorrow!!:rotfl:

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We're suppose to have rain friday but the weekend is looking good. Gotta call or email or pm Ramona and ask what the addy is at the vacation spot. I'll get to see them this weekend. If I'm off next saturday I get to go for a ride with Riderduke. I'd like to get the ride in since I haven't been on one since Jan. Also haven't seen anyone since the beginning of Feb. Hope today is a better one for ya Dan.



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She had a plan all right. I would just like to know where in the He** all these bushes and trees came from!! I've only got 3 acres and I've already cut 10 acres worth!! She came out and said "You've done enough Honey. You need to rest. UNTIL TOMORROW!!!"

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Maybe you could just use the riding mower and go over the bushes. Then you'd have lots less bushes to trim. Just a thought.:whistling: If the warden would get mad at that then don't tell her I said it. I don't want her mad at me. :)





I'm Telling!! It was Margarets Idea!!!:whistling:

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That's it I'll edit my post and tell her you doctored the quote. :Laugh:




No Way Mini, I'll be there to give a true Statement ... :whistling:





btw, do you know the Difference between Friendship seen from male or female Perspective ??



If i'd call 10 Friends of my Wife, eight will say that she didn't saw her over the last Days. Two would say she had been with them until 9 p.m last Night.


If my Wife would call ten Friends if mine, 10 would say they've been out with me last Night, 7 of them would say i left just an Hour ago and three would say i'm still at there Place looking at something in the Yard or Garage ...

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Need to figure out if what you ate last time and this time have anything in common. If not might be you just ate too much at one time. Never can tell. Especially with all the surgery you have had might need to watch what you eat now.


I'm heading to Rodanthe to see Gerald and Ramona today, won't be back till tomorrow. Think you can manage to stay healthy till then Dan? Gotta start taking better care of yourself.



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Hmmm, looks like Mini used the long-distance whip and reached out and "touched" somebody!!



I warned ya Dan!




Nope I didn't even touch the long distance whip. Got back a little after noon. Had a great time with Gerald and Ramona. Ramona and I went shopping yesterday, it's ok we left Gerald with a little money.:whistling: I got a few pics I'll post later.


Jeff's doing ok. He was working on the helicopters that transport our wounded they just moved him yesterday to a different spot. Same base though.


Dan you better take good care of yourself. It's not he same as what the warden had is it? Hope not, or maybe we should hope so they seem to have fixed her even if we didn't know what it was.



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We were talking about that on the way home at 5 AM this morning Mini. Seems to be exactly same thing. At one time last night they had me on schedule to yank Gall Bladder. Then they changed their mind decided that wasn't it. They never did decide what hers was.

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