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Good Grammar not always good


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Sounds like the weather everywhere this year. We're suppose to see more rain today, big surprise. If it would just warm up some so it isn't so cold and wet. My yard is gonna stay swampy till after next week. We're suppose to get rain almost every other day now. I don't want to even think about how tall the grass and weeds will get before I can cut them.



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I didn't Say anything..:whistling:

That sleep machine might be doing something. I wiped out the Wardens list today and went back and asked her if she could add to it. Rain drove me inside. Looked at "Ugly" but wanted something more physical. I think I'll sleep tonight. Got a Ball game to watch though.

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Was it a good game anyway? Right now we have severe T-storm watches and tornado watches till 10 am. The winds have been blowing since yesterday. Of course we also had a record high. Guess I can handle the spring weather as long as we keep the spring temps. Might put a sail on the truck to see if I can save gas. :Laugh: Guess that depends on if the wind is blowing the right way.:whistling:



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Well the weather was crazy today, but got better as it went along. Did get some not so great news tonight. My sister has breast cancer, supposed to be small and isn't an aggressive type. She's gonna have surgery next week and have that genetic test as well. Since none of the women in our family have had this. Of course her doctor said I need to get a mamo now. How exciting. Hope I can get an appointment on a monday. Oh gotta work this saturday too Dan. So you're gonna have to hang in and wait for me that day too.


Hope you feel better Dan.

Carl I'm a very persistent person, this could go on a long time. :Laugh:



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Carl I'm a very persistent person, this could go on a long time. :Laugh:




I got confidence in you Mini,


It's Dan that worries me.


That Old Timers disease is creapin up, and one day, he's gonna forget where the puter is at.


Sorry about your Sis, but at least it is a mild form now.



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I'm still here. Yesterday was not nice. Stomach cramps got so bad I thought about Emergency Room. Throat is sore from heaving. They have finally let up but I wobble when I walk. Seems like I catch every bug that goes around anymore. Think it has anything to do with being over 21 yrs old??Think I'll go back to bed!!

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