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Good Grammar not always good


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Yep temps were nice wed, thurs a bit cloudy and a few sprinkles (when I went to lunch) and today we'll be in the low 50's. We don't get spring it's see saw season. Temps go up then come down then go up and then down, you get the idea. Didn't use to be like this I remember when it was really nice in spring time. Heck by May it was usually hot in NC that's back when I lived in VA.



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Rose and my son Nic just headed to Florida for a week, I'm stuck here to make the $$ to pay for it. They got sunshine and 80d, I get 25d mornings and 30d afternoons the whole next week! Oh yeah, 1-3" snow by Sunday morning.........

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Well we'll be colder and cloudy for at least the weekend. Not gonna warm up much next week either. It's gonna be in the 40s here for highs. We've been up to the 80s one day. Ok I know only one day but we did have a few of them in the 70s and they were in a row too.



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holy cow took a while to catch up (if thats possible with a gl1500 it goes pretty good, Dray likes his?? may trade it for two 1st gens, 89's I think swmbo said she wished I hadnt sold the 88, IDK) suppose to be middle 70's here today, up early me and ken gonn try to get paint finished on the chopper/bobber build off today just hope the wind dont get up, mom fusses at both of us if his college work dont get done first, I think he is all cought up oh and


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Yep heard that from lots of the other guys that have retired. Maybe it's because you don't have a schedule to follow. Kinda like you have plenty of time to do stuff so you take your time or put things off.

Oh well. Hope you didn't get too much snow. Luckily we only got cold rain here. Just hope it stops, it's gonna be cold tonight dropping into the low 30s. Hard to believe it's spring.



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Well it was here for a little while but it left. I think it went farther south somewhere. I do understand it's suppose to be headed back up this way, but I think it's on a slow boat at the moment. Just hope that boat isn't coming from china like everything else. :Laugh:



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