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Billy Joel - Restart The Fire


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Billy Joel - Restart The Fire


This song & its title was answer to a recent Final Jeopardy -- only one person got it right -- question was (paraphrased) "What 1980's song do history teachers praise for its educational value."


Never could understand all the references on Billy Joel's song -- fortunately, with this VIDEO, given the picture(s), now can "see" what our "ears" couldn't.


Anyway, checked to see purpose behind the song.


Apparently, it's Joel's homage to the 40-years of historical headlines since his birth (1949).

Wish we could have appreciated the depths of this song when it was released.


Twenty years later, it's amazing what Joel was able to put into music and lyrics lasting only a few minutes.




Here it is, set to pictures. It's a neat flashback through the past half century.


Turn up volume, sit back and enjoy a review of 50 years of history in less than 3 minutes! Thanks to Billy Joel and some guy from the University of Chicago with a lot of spare time and Google.



Top left gives you full screen....top right lets you pause. Bottom left shows the year. The older you are, the more pictures you will recognize. Anyone over age 65 should remember over 90% of what they see. But it's great at any age.



I had to watch it 3 times to even get most of the pictures.




Click Here: We Didn't Start The Fire

Edited by Trader
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Fantastic , but then I've been a Bill Joel fan for the last 30 years. His songs have always spoken to me of many of the very things that were happening in my life at the very time. Just before the Berlin Wall fell, he traveled to Russia with his then wife Cristy Brinkley and their daughter, The spent sometime with the Russian Circus and he Wrote a beautiful song about the performs. He spoke about how much we were all alike. this was at a Time when Russia was still considered an enemy. His music has always been a little ahead of its time.:thumbsup2:

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