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I'm not above begging.....so here goes....


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Black Owl has a thread titled Special Activites Fund (SAF) that was started in December. Now for those of you who don't know Russ, he would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.

Russ doesn't ask very much from this family, and yet he gives 10 times back. He's asking for a small donation, anything, to help. When we have a Venture family member pass away, he's the one that sends flowers, etc.

He's had to bump that thread several times, and he's asking for our help. He's not asking for much from you, just a little. So far, there hasn't been the response that I would have thought.

I know Russ does a lot for this family, and a lot of times, it comes out of his own pocket and no one ever knows about. I hope he isn't upset with me, but I'm down on one knee begging you to help him out.

So,....even if it's only a buck or two, maybe $5.00 even $10.00.....it would sure be nice to show him a little appreciation for all he does.

Thanks in advance for any help!:bighug:


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First, I want to say a big thanks to those who have jumped in so far!!!:bighug:I have no computer at home so I won't be able to check in till tomorrow morning. I'm really hoping that by then, Black Owl will be tickled pink with our Venture family members willing to help out!

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Boy Deb, had to read your posting twice to figure out who you were talking about.

Not sure that trying to get that waitress in Cody to swap T shirts with me would really qualify as giving someone the shirt off my back. But hey, maybe I can try that line next time. :rotfl:

Seriously, thanks much for the push on the fund raising. Even though you give me way more credit than I deserve, it was definately a huge help.

And to James C; Derik K; Curtis T; Viki B; Randy L; Brian H; Egdar S; Ken B; James P; Evan M; Ken M and Rick Y, thak you for your support. It is really appreciated.


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Boy Deb, had to read your posting twice to figure out who you were talking about.


Not sure that trying to get that waitress in Cody to swap T shirts with me would really qualify as giving someone the shirt off my back. But hey, maybe I can try that line next time. :rotfl:


Seriously, thanks much for the push on the fund raising. Even though you give me way more credit than I deserve, it was definately a huge help.


And to James C; Derik K; Curtis T; Viki B; Randy L; Brian H; Egdar S; Ken B; James P; Evan M; Ken M and Rick Y, thak you for your support. It is really appreciated.




Well, if I remember right.....there was more than 1 waitress you and Wild Hair were trying to exchange shirts with. Heck, not only the waitress's, but all the female patrons in the whole place!!!!

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Well, if I remember right.....there was more than 1 waitress you and Wild Hair were trying to exchange shirts with. Heck, not only the waitress's, but all the female patrons in the whole place!!!!


Now that sure could give someone the wrong impression. :duck: It was just cuz


1. I was just trying to be politically correct.


2. Got to treat all the ladies equal yah know.


3. Lowell was leading me astray...


That's my story and I'm sticking too it......

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Now that sure could give someone the wrong impression. :duck: It was just cuz


1. I was just trying to be politically correct.


2. Got to treat all the ladies equal yah know.


3. Lowell was leading me astray...


That's my story and I'm sticking too it......



Sure blame poor O'l Lowel! :Avatars_Gee_George:

We all know who everybody is going to side with on this one! :missingtooth::missingtooth::missingtooth:

Nice try, but no cigar !!!!!! :moon::moon::moon:

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