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Leaving this glacier on Saturday 1-22-11 for Playa Del Carmen Mexico, an thinking about renting a motorcycle for a day, looks like all that is aviailable is the H-----s @ about 200.00 bucks for 24 hours, I am wandering if anyone here as ever rented a motorcycle in Mexico, what insurance costs might be an/or other info that may help full.


2 1/2 months already since the roads have been iced over I am ready for a ride


Thanks in advance



I was in that area and there didn't seem to be a great road network. One main road with lots of traffic. Maybe some off road opportunities??


Gary N is right. Don't waste your money. Take the ferry to Cozumel for an outing and I would recommend a guided bus tour to Tolum or other ruins. Better investment of $.


Yes, I have seen the traffic in other areas of Mexico, an I am very concerned about that, however I have heard that going south along the ocean had less traffic an might be do able but I will definetly take your comments very seriously, I will wait till spring to ride if the roads are anything like what I have seen in other parts of Mexico, I have always been happy to be in a BIG BUS from the airport to the motel so if the traffic is same going south of there I won't consider renting a motorcyle


Thanks for your comments



Gary N is right. Don't waste your money. Take the ferry to Cozumel for an outing and I would recommend a guided bus tour to Tolum or other ruins. Better investment of $.


Ditto, Completely agree with above. Also if you do rent something (car or bike) the farther off the main tourist area roads you go, especially into mountain areas the more likely you will find bandits. Current warnings are tourist shoud stay in the tourist areas.


Other things to do while in Mexico.

1. Calamari and a beer on the beach

2. Massage on the beach

3. bikini watch on the beach

4. have a beer on the beach

5 oh yes go to the beach

6. most important go have fun!!




We went by bus from one town to another. Be aware that might makes right. The bus was passing a truck and sent a motorcycle off into the jungle without a thought. I was looking at a trip from Puerto Valarta up into the Sierra Madres' and down to the coast. You get either 650 or 1000 BMW dual purpose bikes and a van carries your luggage from town to town. hotels are all set up. Looks like it might be a nice trip with a group. I forget a lot of the details now but it sounded like fun.

Posted (edited)

Ditto, Completely agree with above. Also if you do rent something (car or bike) the farther off the main tourist area roads you go, especially into mountain areas the more likely you will find bandits. Current warnings are tourist shoud stay in the tourist areas.


I will be following this advise, we are very aware of dangers of leaving the tourist trap areas, I was thinking about going south of Playa along the ocean to Tulum for a one day trip, about 200 miles round trip never had plans to leave the tourist area but even this doesn't seem like a good idea. I was more worried about getting run over than anything else

Edited by MLCRIDER

Don't rent a bike. Scams go on where when you stop someplace they steal the bike away from you. Also if anything happens accident wise both parties go to jail if you can't agree who was at fault. We had a moped accident while in Tulum and it ruined the day and cost us $450 dollars in damages for a moped that wasn't worth $300. Te bad thing is it wasn't our fault. Anyway go to Tulum and also make sure you take a tour of Chichen Itza ruins. They are very well preserved and it is pretty cool to walk to the top of the pyramid. If they still allow that.





I recently air-dropped a bunch of unruly pygmies into that Playa Del Carmen Mexico area and they are giving the local bandido's a run for the money on nefarious activities.....especially so on unsuspecting gringo's........:whistling:

Boomer....who now has fewer little voices to listen to.:rotf:


i think mexico would be the last place in the world on my want to see list. we know watercrafts aren't safe down there. i don't even think armored cars would be safe. do they have fences around tourist areas or are they off limits to the drug dealers and criminals. :sign29:


As suggested, go to Cozumel and take a local taxi to one of the many great beach's.

Paradise Beach is where we went to last December. They have a web site, google it.

Paradise Beach was $8-$12 per person, this get's you lawn chairs (chase lounges), table, and umbrella by the beach. This also gets you use of all the non motorised beach toys.

Jet ski is extra, like $50.00 for an hour.

Taxi fare was $15.00 per car load.

At this time it was completely safe, and we had a blast.

We did cruise there but I know you can get there from Playa Del Carmen.

Have fun, don't travel alone and you will be fine.


Ditto, Completely agree with above. Also if you do rent something (car or bike) the farther off the main tourist area roads you go, especially into mountain areas the more likely you will find bandits. Current warnings are tourist shoud stay in the tourist areas.


Other things to do while in Mexico.

1. Calamari and a beer on the beach

2. Massage on the beach

3. bikini watch on the beach

4. have a beer on the beach

5 oh yes go to the beach

6. most important go have fun!!



I will follow and repeat this advise as many times as possible.:dancefool:


Thanks to all that replied I had already planned some of the activities mentioned here. Rick & Sailor that info really helped I was worried about traffic before reading your comments we will be sticking to cabs an busses.


Bill I realize there may be dangers but that goes where ever you go these days, the resorst so far, Mexicos 2nd biggest industries have been fairly safe, most of the problems have been border crossing issues with the drug cartel far from any of the resorts, I realize that can change at any given time,


Thanks again


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