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This date made me feel old.

Venturous Randy

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Got divorced a long time ago. One night my son asked me for my side of the story. I said I thought he was too young and did not want to discuss it. He said "Dad! I am 42 years old! I can handle it!" Cra! When did that happen?

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I just noticed the date is January 15th. It was 42 years ago today in 1969 that I was inducted into the U. S. Air Force and I remember it as if it were yesterday. Wow, that was a long time ago.



You needed that to make you feel old??? I thought looking in a mirror would do that for you.:rasberry: Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I had just turned two three months before. :buttkick:Sorry bud, just had to give you a little poke.

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Hmmmm, Jan 15, 1969... My first wife was just my girlfriend, I was stationed at a Nike-Herc site in Sweedsboro, NJ, and I think they had a really bad snowstorm and no one could leave the base. Well, maybe not exactly that date but somewhere around there. I was 20 1/2 years old and hadn't gone to Vietnam yet. That happened 6 months later...

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I was 11 enjoying the Maine Winters as only a child can. Saw the movie "The Green Beret" by John Wayne http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063035/ at the base theater. Went home that night and checked under the bed for NVA. Did not realize men could be so cruel to each other till then! Years later a retired SEAL buddy of mine told me how the reception of the movie met with jeers and thrown beer cans when it was shown in Nam.


I visit Ft. Benning every now and then. I find the place bittersweat. This is where I grew into a man and did a lot of my training, AIT, Jump School, Ranger School, Path Finder School. The old WWII barracks are gone, the old training areas are gone. There is only a plaque and tall growing Georgia Pines where the old Ranger School use to be. I remember cresting a hill to that school a long time ago and having the willies in the pit of my stomach. I had just seen "The Deer Hunter" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077416/ and "Apocalypse Now" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078788/. Both made me realize I was entering the crazy mans section of the military. Now all of that is gone and there is a new bread of fighting men. They are just a young, just as naive, but just maybe a little smarter then our generation. I wonder if the old timers thought the same when I was young!

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Jan 15th 1969 I was at Eglin AFB chasing the old F-4 around the ramp! This was my second tour at Eglin. I was there 1965 to 1967 then to Vetnam then back to Eglin after 366 Days in country! I was assigned to the 4th and 40th Tack Fighter SQ.



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Hell, you guys are all just KIDS! I was called into active duty from the Air Force Reserves at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, in June 1951, during the Korean War. And that also just seems like yesterday. One of the best things that ever happened to me, though. Still benefitting from it. Owen. :301:

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Guest RawHide
Lets see, I was in high school at that time.... Didnt learn nuttin !!! well, that isn't true. I learned how to...... well, never mind...............:fnd_(16): :fnd_(16):


We got it BIG Tom! LMAO

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Senior in high school. Dumb as the rest of my friends.


Couldn't wait to get out of school and get married and get that itch scratched regular.:dancefool:


Never will regret it, had 7 good years and 2 more that were not so good before we called it quits.:doh:


Got me three great kids from the deal and even ended up being friends with the X. Can't ask for more than that.:thumbsup2:

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