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Happy Birthday 86er


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Ahrrr Shucks! Now y'all got me all embarrassed!


Thanks for good the wishes. I did ride to work at 6am and it was 29 degrees, and after BBQ for lunch w/friends, and beer and cigars thru' the afternoon and beer and wings w/more friends tonight, I rode home at about 35 degrees! But it was still good.


Today my tag line seems even more pronounced!!! :confused24:


For those of you up north (see, I didn't use the Y word!) that want to know when we stop riding for the year; this year I stopped riding at 10pm on Dec. 31st and didn't get the bike out again until about 12:45am on Jan. 1st! I had to get home from the bar somehow!


Mini, tell the Muffin that I'm going thru' Jack withdrawals!



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I told Bubba that everybody around here was wishing him a Happy Birthday, and he said "I don't think I'm gonna have me no more birfdays 'cause my cousin said that ifn I get any older, we cain't date no more!!"


I guess he doesn't want to take any chances!?! :confused24:


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