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Mighty Fixit


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there is a lot of truth in the concept. I say this as in the I.T. field, we deal with antenna's for satelite and directional wireless data. the connections outside are finished with a "tape" that does the same thing that mighty fixit claims.


is their product as good as the commercial "tape" that (amalgums) or seals to itself and forms a waterproof bond? only seeing it in use will tell. they don't tell you the pressure thresh hold either.


the info mercial did not put it on a car with a leaky hose. they only showed a radiator hose with fixit tape already applied after the fact. I would need more solid info.


the shipping is 6 bux, by the way.


for ordinary uses, i would get some, but it needs to be local. I don't want to order.

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Silicone self-bonding tape is great stuff - we were using it back in the military in the '70, and that stuff could not be removed without cutting - the bond between the pieces is so complete that it just becomes a single thick layer of rubber. And the more you stretch it, the better it bonds! A 5" piece is stretched to well over a foot when it is applied. It is not very good for wires smaller than battery cables because you just cannot get a good stretch to seal the tape, but not too many other limitations.


But the new commercial stuff generally available to civilians today is not near as good as the stuff I used in the military. Still good, but I have occasionally had trouble getting it to bond well or stay in place over time.


But I would never buy from a place like those trash distributors (shamwow and the like). If you want to try the tape, just check any hardware store. It is not that hard to find anymore.


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From the responses it seems funny how someone comes up w/ something that you think it is a new idea or product and apparently has been around for years. Sounds like all they did was come up w/ a couple different colors for an old product. Heck who knows maybe Anthony (the pitchman) doesn't know this is something old either.


I guess manufacturers do this all the time. I know Sears takes other manufacturers products, change this and that and put a craftsman label on it. At least that is what a Sears Hardware worker told me. A few years back I was given a Ryobi table saw as a gift and shortly afterwards I did see an almost identical table saw in Sears so I do believe what the Sears guy told me.


Massey130 - $10 for 3 rolls + $6 packaging and handling (guess they don't call it shipping and handling anymore). It says just pay seperate packaging and handling fee for the 2nd set so you get 3 more rolls for $6.


But I did think $22 for 6 rolls is a bit expensive.

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maybe Anthony (the pitchman) doesn't know this is something old either..


Maybe Anthony doesn't care....it's a paycheck!


Sears takes other manufacturers products, change this and that and put a craftsman label on it. .


A lot of major department stores have their own brand name. In Canada we have Canadian Tire with "mastercraft", Kenmore from Sears, The BAY with Beaumark, and several more.


These are manufactured by a limited number of makers...they usually change a few things....a different size motor, different trim etc. Sears is the worst because they change things so ONLY Sears brand supplies will fit.


i.e. years ago I bought a belt sander. Most everyone seems to make a 20" belt...but sears was 21"

The same thing with the riding lawn mower. It needs an odd size drive belt...at twice the price of anywhere else.


other industrie do the same thing. My son used to work for Bic's Pickles. They processed pickles for a lot of different store brands...some had a slightly different brine formula but for the most part they just put a different label on them.

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I always have Magic Wrap in my toolboxes, on my scoot, or in the house or shop. Works wonderfully, but it's not cheap, about $8.00 a roll at Home Hardware. Princess Auto also sells it, cheaper, but in a smaller roll. Wizard765 was in the US a while ago, and bought me some of that Mighty Fix-it stuff,,, not even close to performing the same,, worked for some stuff, but I'll stick with MW, does what it says it will.


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