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After reading the recent post concerning all the toy recalls I guess it just makes me mad that all this stuff is coming to light all of a sudden. I mean, how long has this went on and we're just now finding out there's a problem? Doesn't that seem kind of odd? Is there no regulations saying that we need to be checking these things when they come into our country? As someone pointed out we can't directly control what is made overseas, but we certainly can do spot checks once it gets onto our soil.


I also take some of the responsibility because I never once questioned the safety of paint and such in the chinese made toys I know I have bought for my kids and now my grand kids over the years.


Last year I did buy my one grandkids a set of Lincoln Logs. He still builds things with them. He's found out you don't have to have a battery powered toy in order to have fun.


As a grandpa I think I'll just determine in my own heart to go back to simpler toys for the kids this year and in the coming years. It's time I become responsible for my own actions and not get pulled into the advertising hype that tells us the only good gifts are the electrical ones that come from wherever.


Everyone ride safe and God bless you all.


I agree with you. I don't have any grandkids just a niece. I think the old toys made you use your imagination. Kids don't seem to have much of that anymore.

My folks went into one of the toy stores recently and everything they picked up was from china. I did hear that Toys R Us is hiring an outside group to test all the stuff they sell.

The other thing we have to worry about is something we can't find out where it comes from. Our prescription drugs. Some of them are made in China and aren't up to what they are suppose to be.



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