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Too many lowlifes out there

Guest ReinyRooster

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The wife and I are somewhat proficient with martial arts like Krav Maga, Kung Fu, etc. Speciffic named routines are not as important as effectiveness. Unless shot in our sleep or from a distance, we should be ok if allowed to become the offensive ones. No guns, but we do have both hard and sharp objects at our disposal.

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what i could never understand, is "why do we have to have a law, giving us the right to protect ourselves from the bad guys"??????

hell, i'd back up, if someone broke into my home.

i'd back up to my recliner, and grab a pistol.

i have been seriously thinking about getting a "JUDGE" pistol. not really expensive, and a very impressive weapon.

i am told, that tarus named it the judge, because for the past few years, it has been the handgun of choice, for judges to wear under their robes in the courtroom.

just jt

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Guest ReinyRooster

I talked to him tonight about an alarm system. I still say a Rottweiler is a great home security...then again I have one and she would be useless......thinks she's a lap dog!

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I talked to him tonight about an alarm system. I still say a Rottweiler is a great home security...then again I have one and she would be useless......thinks she's a lap dog!

reiny, i have a 112 pound germanshepherd dog, that challenges ANYONE who comes through my gate.

he isn't one of those "ass" dogs, like dallas! he come from "working" lines out of east germany.

IF mama, should scream, somebody is gonna bleed profusely.

baring "amos'" diligence, i have "long guns" leaning against every corner, in my house.

i would suggest, that a large breed dog, not necessarily a "guard" dog, for your brother and his family.

just jt

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reiny, i have a 112 pound germanshepherd dog, that challenges ANYONE who comes through my gate.

he isn't one of those "ass" dogs, like dallas! he come from "working" lines out of east germany.

IF mama, should scream, somebody is gonna bleed profusely.

baring "amos'" diligence, i have "long guns" leaning against every corner, in my house.

i would suggest, that a large breed dog, not necessarily a "guard" dog, for your brother and his family.

just jt


Reiny sorry to hear about this but glad things worked out.


JT We had a shepard and he would scare away most, but now we have a large breed dog (a newfoundland) but he would most likely show him wear the good silver is. :sign20:





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Year before last I was on my usual midwest trip..I was confronted by a van load of kids on my return trip..they would get close and I would speed up, then they would speed up...I would slow down and they would slow down. Just harmless fun as far as they were concerned...I thought about that incedent a great deal. What it they were not just having fun? They saw an old man on a motorcycle, with out of state plates. They knew I had money on me cause I was traveling cross country. Since that incedent, I now have a concealed carry permit good in my state and 30 other states. I also carry a S&W Pistol with 17 rounds in the magazine. If attacked, I will not go quietly into that good night. I would suggest, an MS victim, like your brother, could probably handle a small pistol with a light trigger pull. (like a Kel-Tec .380). Do a little research about a guard dog and pistol. Just don't leave him unprotected if you can help it. I don't know about Canadian law, but, if someone broke into my home, and I was able to kill the bastard before he could do me or my family harm...He would be dead meat, and I would be alive, and the courts would have to figure it out.....

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Ah - the home of the brave and the land of the free.

I feel sorry for all you people who HAVE to carry guns, to guard against the rest of the people who ALSO have guns.

If nobody had guns, then - - .


Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home (Australia, that is!)

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Glad to hear your brother will be alright! It is a good thing the girls were out, or who knows!! I hope someone else got a good look at them, and they will be caught soon!!


One other thing I have kept in the back of my mind for years, since I learned about gun safety....Dead men tell no lies....

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"I feel sorry for all you people who HAVE to carry guns, to guard against the rest of the people who ALSO have guns.

If nobody had guns, then - - ."



then we would have to carry knives or swords or clubs or something else to defend ourselves against those who carry knives or swords or clubs or something else.....it's not about the weapon so much as about criminals..

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Guest BluesLover

Reiny - so sorry to read about your brother's ordeal.


Hopefully they catch the coward who did this and throw the book at him. Maybe when he's in the system someone on the inside will "take care" of him in the appropriate way.


Glad to hear that your brother will recover.

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Year before last I was on my usual midwest trip..I was confronted by a van load of kids on my return trip..they would get close and I would speed up, then they would speed up...I would slow down and they would slow down. Just harmless fun as far as they were concerned...I thought about that incedent a great deal. What it they were not just having fun? They saw an old man on a motorcycle, with out of state plates. They knew I had money on me cause I was traveling cross country. Since that incedent, I now have a concealed carry permit good in my state and 30 other states. I also carry a S&W Pistol with 17 rounds in the magazine. If attacked, I will not go quietly into that good night. I would suggest, an MS victim, like your brother, could probably handle a small pistol with a light trigger pull. (like a Kel-Tec .380). Do a little research about a guard dog and pistol. Just don't leave him unprotected if you can help it. I don't know about Canadian law, but, if someone broke into my home, and I was able to kill the bastard before he could do me or my family harm...He would be dead meat, and I would be alive, and the courts would have to figure it out.....
First of all let me say I am about as pro gun as anybody can possibly get and I could supply a small third world countrys military with my collection. Canadians are not allowed to own pistols except for a few club members who must store their gun at the club. In this case a gun probably would not have helped , the man is bed ridden and probably does not have the ability to handle a gun. If he would have had a gun and managed to get to it the lowlife would more than likely have taken it away from him and used it on him. If by chance he did have a pistol and was able to use it in canada he would now be charged with multiple criminal charges. That is why you will never see me in canada.
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Ah - the home of the brave and the land of the free.

I feel sorry for all you people who HAVE to carry guns, to guard against the rest of the people who ALSO have guns.

If nobody had guns, then - - .


Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home (Australia, that is!)

You obviously don't have a clue to what is going on in your own country. When Australia confiscated most guns violent crime increased by a substantial margin. Gangs began doing home invasions while the residence were home because they had no fear they know the home owner has no way to defend themselves. There were some who did not turn in there guns and used them to defend themselves from these thugs and are now in prison. An unarmed citizen is not a citizen they are a subject.
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Canadians are not allowed to own pistols except for a few club members who must store their gun at the club.


Not quite Redneck. I am licensed for both non-restricted (over 26" length) & restricted (under 26", over 4.25" in length), which includes handguns.


The regulations say we must have a trigger lock on them & in a locked container. This is for storage & transportation to / from a range. There are some in the general population, that want the firearms to be stored at the range. Which IMHO, can result in regional one stop shopping for these POS.

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Could a guy with MS handle a gun? I don't know.


The other problem is that Canada's government doesn't like their people having guns, and most Canadians I know don't believe in owning one or see much of a need. I have cousins in Canada who make fun of me for owning them. Long live the NRA. ...from my cold, dead hands...



Maybe a shotgun under the covers? Not sure. An uncle of mine has M.S. and it has advanced to such a state where I don't think he could handle a gun anymore even though he used to be a police officer.

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Not quite Redneck. I am licensed for both non-restricted (over 26" length) & restricted (under 26", over 4.25" in length), which includes handguns.


The regulations say we must have a trigger lock on them & in a locked container. This is for storage & transportation to / from a range. There are some in the general population, that want the firearms to be stored at the range. Which IMHO, can result in regional one stop shopping for these POS.

What percentage of the population have that type of permit? If you were able to get the gun unlocked and use it to kill a person in self defense, defense of your property or an other citizen Would that be within Canadian law? What kind of pistols do you have?
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What percentage of the population have that type of permit? If you were able to get the gun unlocked and use it to kill a person in self defense, defense of your property or an other citizen Would that be within Canadian law? What kind of pistols do you have?


Not many these days, compared to the size of the general population. A person would need to take courses for both restricted & non-restricted & filling out a very intrusive license application form. The application has been known, to take a year to process. The license is valid for 5 years, needs to renewed prior to expiry.


For self defense or defending someone else, a person is still likely to get charged & go to trial. The police don't like it, if someone stands up to scum.


For defending property, forget it, we couldn't even do it in the military over in the former Yugoslavia (peacekeeping tours), without it being, an designated item. Only designated items, that deadly force was authorized to retain possession of, weapons are an example of such an item.

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Sorry to hear of your Brothers ordeal Reiny, I wish him and your Famiy a speedy recovery.


I have a selection of shotguns stored in my home with trigger locks, the key's are close at hand, to the guns and to the locked box of shells. Would I attempt to use them in if someone broke into my home, I don't think that I would have the opportunity to unlock the gun and the ammo box, esspecially if they were already in my home. If I did get the chance to "lock and load" would I be able to pull the trigger,wow, I don't know, have I thought about it......yes of course. To take a life is easy to talk about to actually do it.........I don't know. I am more good to my Family at home than in the slammer.


Take care Keith.

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You obviously don't have a clue to what is going on in your own country. When Australia confiscated most guns violent crime increased by a substantial margin. Gangs began doing home invasions while the residence were home because they had no fear they know the home owner has no way to defend themselves. There were some who did not turn in there guns and used them to defend themselves from these thugs and are now in prison. An unarmed citizen is not a citizen they are a subject.



Where the hell did you drag that crap up?

A number of well known sayings comes to mind here, not the least being: "Clean up your own back yard first", "You gotta walk the walk before you can talk the talk" and "Check your facts - don't rely on bullsh1t!"

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This really should be a separated thread now.




Though lawmakers responsible for passing the ban promised a safer country, the nation's crime statistics tell a different story:

Countrywide, homicides are up 3.2 percent;

Assaults are up 8.6 percent;

Amazingly, armed robberies have climbed nearly 45 percent;

In the Australian state of Victoria, gun homicides have climbed 300 percent;

In the 25 years before the gun bans, crime in Australia had been dropping steadily;

There has been a reported "dramatic increase" in home burglaries and assaults on the elderly.

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Guest KitCarson
Sorry to hear of your Brothers ordeal Reiny, I wish him and your Famiy a speedy recovery.


I have a selection of shotguns stored in my home with trigger locks, the key's are close at hand, to the guns and to the locked box of shells. Would I attempt to use them in if someone broke into my home, I don't think that I would have the opportunity to unlock the gun and the ammo box, esspecially if they were already in my home. If I did get the chance to "lock and load" would I be able to pull the trigger,wow, I don't know, have I thought about it......yes of course. To take a life is easy to talk about to actually do it.........I don't know. I am more good to my Family at home than in the slammer.


Take care Keith.

First I would like to say HI Reiny, Sorry about your situation, I wish to give you the honor and respect required. Everyone on this forum, myself included sometimes get side-tracked. So that is first and formost. I am glad it was minor, and just a small bit of excitement!!


Now this gun thing......to use on or not use one......to carry one or not to carry one. I actually think it is best for most people not to carry one. Not because you are dumb or not responsible, but to actually use one...to take someones life, to not hesitate, well this takes a lot of self soul searching and commitment, and above all experience. It takes a lot of training also. To buy a handgun and go to one of these self defense courses and obtain your permit and start carrying one......well okay......that is good.....but that is only the tip of the iceberg. I have seen all kinds of comments on this forum...stuff like ......my permit is good in 37 states.......mine does this.......or this.......opinions as we are all so opinionated......have to be totally ignored. (I have a few too!) The most important thing about using a weapon for home or self defense is to learn the law. Learn it well. Study it, do not pay attention to an instructor....or me......or anyone......go learn it yourself....be very aware of it....all this stuff you hear......is total B$$$.

Yes to know what you can and cannot do.....under any circumstance.....is the most important thing you can ever learn if you choose to carry a weapon. That alone will cure most of the hesitation if the situation ever does arise that you would be required to defend yourself or a loved one. Then it takes a lot of practice and training......and training in evasive moves....to step sideways.......hide.....run!!!! Put the other party in the total offensive position.......then with the law on your side.......blow their A$$ a new one!!. This gun carry stuff........takes much more practice , training , learning......and self commitment, than any little simple gun course can teach you. You have to do this if you wish to carry a weapon. If you hesitate under the stress of a bad situation.......you have actually, maybe, made the situation more deadly for yourself. To carry a weapon has to be carefully thought out.........and in 9 out of 10 situations, simply left in your pocket. Respectfully......Kit

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Guest KitCarson
This really should be a separated thread now.



The only country where banning guns has even remotely been successful is Japan. Why? Because they actually enforce the law. If you get caught with a weapon in Japan, you are simply executed.....end of the game. In the Great USA, and other countries.......this gun ban stuff is a joke!!. It a a game played by politicians to win votes...to stir up confusion, It certainly does not work......all it does is allow the bad guys to know they have free run. As bad as it is , as high as the crime rate is in our own country........so far at least, the bad guys do have to consider the fact that just maybe, that person is armed. It is an impossible job for the police or the government....and or the lack of it........to prevent weapons in the hands of bad guys. You can come up with any kind of solution you want to.....the bad guys will still have weapons. Gather them all up....melt them, close all the gun factories.......no big deal........just go make some!! Guns can easily be obtained......or made.....or even made from an ink pen with some wire wrapped around the shank for strength. No banning guns is and never will be the answer. Okay I will shut up......had my say........this is a hot topic.......in fact the water is boiling........Kit
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