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Too many lowlifes out there

Guest ReinyRooster

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Guest ReinyRooster

My brother is bedridden with M.S. Yesterday I came home late to find a phone message to call him. I found out that some lowlife POS broke into my brother's home while my brother's wife and daughter were out, ransacked the house looking for cash and valuables to fence and was not satisfied with that.....he attacked my brother stabbing him in the legs numerous times and even tried to slit his throat while wrestling him from his bed. Luckily the knife that stupid brought with him wasn't sharp, so my brother's wounds weren't too serious and he was treated and released from the hospital.

What kind of world is this? Needless to say, I would like to find this guy myself and save the local PD the touble of an investigation and trial.

Anyway, sorry to unload my problems.....just had to get it out.

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Reiny,Hope he recovers OK. Here in Texas we have a conceal carry law and I am so glad of it in todays times. I go nowhere without my 357 SIG. I hope I never have to use it but at 55 I cant rely on my size anymore. Here we have the MS13 gangs and they randomly pick an innocent bystander on occasion and shoot for no reason...As you say,"whats this world coming to?" And Debby has her license also and definitely isnt afraid to use it IF necessary.( I wouldnt want to be in her sights as she shoots about as good as I.) Yes I practice gun control....I hit where I aim! Tom

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that's the very reason that there is no where in my house that i can't lay my hands on a loaded gun with no more than 2 steps. any low life kick in my door, he will be face to face with eternity. even as i sit here in the computer room, i can reach out and touch my .44 and next to my recliner is a .357 as well as one next to my bed and several others scattered around within easy reach. all loaded and ready to go. gone are the days when you can feel safe in your own home. only about a year ago i had to hold a scumbag at gun point until the police showed up to cart him off. he was lucky because i caught him at the gate instead of inside the door. hope your brother recovers well, and you might consider providing him with a loaded gun (a substantial one like a .357 or .44) to keep next to his bed in case something like this comes up again.

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Could a guy with MS handle a gun? I don't know.


The other problem is that Canada's government doesn't like their people having guns, and most Canadians I know don't believe in owning one or see much of a need. I have cousins in Canada who make fun of me for owning them. Long live the NRA. ...from my cold, dead hands...

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Reiny I'm really sorry to hear about your brother ....them bast*(*& don't deserve a trail ....I hope all is good and gets better .....One of the reasons Canada feels so safe is cause of our population ....you just don't hear it as often...but believe things here are starting to get worse and we need to change some of our laws ...I believe in the eye for an eye ....you kill someone for no good reason you go to the chair ...actually I"d rather some of them *&^^*$^%# just suffer for a while.

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I wouldn't mind having my 9MM a little more accessible but I have a 10 year old. She's pretty good about not touching anything and I've always had it available to show her if she has any questions, but its always locked up safe Just in case.

My wife has the combination to the lock box and it's always one number away from being opened.

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Sorry to hear of your brothers assault. That was bad but it could have been worse. If this jerk was ballsy enough to come in when he heard your brother yelling ( I am assuming he yelled out), then you are probably lucky your sister-inlaw and niece weren't there, shudder to even think what that might have led to.Hopefully the PD will be able to lay their hands on the guy and he gets what he has earned. I hope your brother and his family recover from this.

Sad to say but this ain't the Canada we grew up with anymore.

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Reiny,Hope he recovers OK. Here in Texas we have a conceal carry law and I am so glad of it in todays times. I go nowhere without my 357 SIG. I hope I never have to use it but at 55 I cant rely on my size anymore. Here we have the MS13 gangs and they randomly pick an innocent bystander on occasion and shoot for no reason...As you say,"whats this world coming to?" And Debby has her license also and definitely isnt afraid to use it IF necessary.( I wouldnt want to be in her sights as she shoots about as good as I.) Yes I practice gun control....I hit where I aim! Tom


Guns are everywhere and here in Canada there's a lot of illegal firearms...more so now than ever. Your laws are much more relaxed than ours but it sure seems that the way things are going around here, we should be able to do what you do for our own protection!


Now here's a funny...in response to you saying "I hit where I aim". A few years back, before I was married or even knew my wife, I was living with someone. Thru her, I got involved in the rod & gun club and was doing a lot of target practise in their indoor range. One day she came there and did some practise also. She always claimed she was a very good shot! There are 6 targets. She was at #4 and I was viewing her target thru binoculars. Round 1 ... nothing, round2 ... nothing... no hit after 5 rounds anywhere on the target ... giggle giggle to myself... then I took the binoculars away from my eyes and realized I was looking at target #5 where nobody was shooting LOL

:sign20: :sign20:


Oh yeah... when I did view her target, she was definately a good shot .... we continued practising and at the end of the day, her scores were much better than mine.... I never did tell her about the binoculars thing LOL.

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Although the crime rate (police reported) in Canada is generally falling since a peak in early 90's, it is so tragic when it hits in your family. I feel for you bud, and your brother; I know how angry you must feel; and I might make an offer to aid and abet with you if you can help me get the "lowlifes" on my list!

Here is some information on crime rates in Canada...


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Although the crime rate (police reported) in Canada is generally falling since a peak in early 90's, it is so tragic when it hits in your family. I feel for you bud, and your brother; I know how angry you must feel; and I might make an offer to aid and abet with you if you can help me get the "lowlifes" on my list!

Here is some information on crime rates in Canada...



DITTO Swifty...


Those are stats from 2004 and even then, the homicide rate was up by 12%. I'd like to know what the stats are for today or at least for 2006. An area near here (Surrey) was Canada's highest area for auto theft I think in 2004-2005...not sure if that carried into 2006.



I found some info ...


"For 2005, Statistics Canada reported that the overall violent crime rate was unchanged, while noting increases in crimes such as homicide, attempted murder, serious assaults and robbery. The homicide rate increased 4% to the highest level in almost a decade. (Statistics Canada, The Daily, July 20, 2006)"


"from Crime Statistics in Canada, 2001 states, "The violent crime rate is 6% less than a decade ago, but 52% higher than 20 years ago."


Above are quotes from http://www.fradical.com/Violent_crime_statistics_Canada.htm


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Reiny, i'm really sorry for your Brother and Family, going through all this. I hope he recovers soon to fight back for his Health.



You U.S. Guys may feel very good about your Weapon Laws and do a Lot to keep it the Way it is.


Here in Germany, you can not buy anything 'dangerous' anymore. You need a small License for even buying a Gas Pistol. You're not allowed to carry a loaded and secured Weapon, nor a Gas Pistol. Even a Knife is considered as a dangerous Weapon, when the Blade is longer than 8cm/3.2 Inches and the Blade is fixed somehow to the Shaft. Butterfly Knifes, Hunter Knifes, you name them ... all forbidden.


I am nonactive Member of a Gun club and shooted Air Rifle and Rifle cal .22 in my Youth. The .22 Rifle was on the License of my Father. He died Years ago, so i got my own License. But this permits only the Possession of the .22 Match Rifle and a .22 Deringer my Father buyed 30 Years ago. I'm not allowed to buy any Ammuniton. If i decide to go back on active in my Gun Club, i will have to face a 7 Days Class to get the Certificate which allows me, with second Statement of the Club's Managers, to reach for a active Sport-shooter License. If i would get one, only Rifles are permitted. For Handguns another Class and a Lot Paperwork to file would be in Order.


Well, that is the official Way ... if you want to buy a illegal Gun, go to the local Train Station. In one Corner, i think opposite to where the Sniff and Smoke Chapter is doing Business, you will find anything what you want. Price i 5 Times more as in Shop, but no Paperwork to sign off ....


Yes, Germany is surely the safest Place in the World, NO Weapons in Hands of any legal Citizens. Illegal Aliens and illegal Weapons are not under control. If there is someone breaking into my House, i'm suggested to call the Police.


So, you take your Gun to Protect your Family's Life and your House, i take my cordless Phone or Cell and yell for help.


Hey, if i would use my legal Weapon with illegal Ammunition to protect Life and Home and hurt that poor Man anyhow, i would get 5 Years on hard Labour, the Thief would be sentenced to maybe 1 Year on free Meals, TV every Evening and would go free after 6 Months ....

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Sorry about your brother. If we had a little more southern justice then maybe not as many low lifes walking around.


01 Oct 2006

Old-Fashioned Justice American-Style


Americana, Crime, The Law



Angilo Freeland bolted from his rental car in the midst of a routine traffic stop last Thursday in Lakeland, Florida.

Polk County, Florida Sheriff’s Deputy Vernon Williams pursued Freeland into a wooded area, accompanied by another deputy and a German shepherd. Freeland killed Deputy Williams, wounding him in the ensuing gunfight, and evidently finishing him off execution-style with two gunshots to the head. The police dog (named Diogi) was also killed, and the other deputy wounded.

Police officers from all over West Central Florida turned out for the manhunt. The murderer was located hiding under a fallen oak tree in the woods. Seeing a gun in his hand, police officers opened fire. Autopsy results found that Freeland had been shot 68 times by the time the shooting stopped.

“That’s all the bullets we had, or we would have shot him more,” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told the Orlando Sentinel.

Deputy Vernon Williams left behind a wife and three children. His death in the line of duty occurred on his wife’s birthd

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Guest KitCarson

I carry a weapon just about 24/7. I also fire on the average of 500 rounds a month for practice. I also have a gun safe that the gun goes into any time I do not have complete control of it....no never ever leave it lay around.....a kid can find it.

There is a lot to go with this also......just because you carry one and are licensed to do so, does not mean you can use it!! It is a last resort. They are working on changing the laws, but still at this time.....you have the duty to retreat if someone invades your home......in other words if someone enters and wants your TV......give it to them...........If someone enters and is actually intending bodily harm......then you can shoot them. So even though we can carry a weapon.....you have to be aware if you use it....use it only at the point of loss of your or one of your families lives......and then , even then,,,expect to go to jail.........Kit

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Guest ReinyRooster

Well I've had the day to calm down and talk to my brother, and to get some details on the Police report. It's amazing that when the idiot grabbed a knife from my brother's kitchen to use to try and slit my brother's throat, he grabbed to only dull one that there was. It was for that reason only that my brother is now alive with some scrapes to his throat, instead of on a slab at the coroner's. Apparently the same idiot robbed a dry-cleaners down the block and hopefully that will get the police a better description and hopefully some physical evidence to match up, because my brother's eyesight is so poor he wouldn't be able to identify the guy. It's too bad that his English Bull terrier that he used to have is no linger alive....that was a great dog and would have torn this idiot into pieces.

Anyway, brother is recovering, the wounds are all relatively minor. Thanks everyone for your well-wishes. I am now celebrating NOT having to go to a funeral.

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just because you carry one and are licensed to do so, does not mean you can use it!! It is a last resort. They are working on changing the laws, but still at this time.....you have the duty to retreat if someone invades your home......


Maybe in South Carolina, but in Florida and Texas, Castle Doctrines have been put into place. You come into my house uninvited, and you'll be leaving my house in a bag. Texas Law now extends the Castle Doctrine to your vehicle and workplace.


'Tis better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

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Guest KitCarson
Maybe in South Carolina, but in Florida and Texas, Castle Doctrines have been put into place. You come into my house uninvited, and you'll be leaving my house in a bag. Texas Law now extends the Castle Doctrine to your vehicle and workplace.


'Tis better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Yes the laws are quite different in Florida and some other 16 states. There are now 17 states total that give the the freedom to NOT RETREAT in your home or vehicle. Sadly in South Carolina as usual.....we are always a day late and a dollar short!! Kit
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