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Just curious as to what is everyone's favorite motorcycle magazine/riding magazine?


I know there are several out there, but I think best ones are those that don't cater to any particular brand and speak more to the tips, suggestions and articles in a more general way.


So basically, as a rider (of a Venture or Gold Wing)...what is your magazine(s) of choice?




Rider for the last 10 years. Had a few other subscriptions from time to time but rider is the mainstay.


Rider had been my favorite and the only one that I subscribed to but recently they seem to be the European high dollar motorcycle magazine. After Larry Grodsky died they replaced him with a guy that doesn't make sense. Most of their ride reports are from the west coast. I think I am going to let my subscription lapse. Motorcycle magazines do make me want new bikes.

RoadRunner for me too, although I do wish it came out every month instead of every 2nd month.




:sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that:


I read my issues of RoadRunner over and over and over until the next issue comes out. Their writers seem to be non-biased about brands or even types of bikes. They have touring articles in which they ride everything from scooters up to lux tourers. And they seem to have a way to make me feel like I want to go ride every danged ride they report on! The quality of the pictures and even the paper is outstanding! They do have some advertising but not a lot like most seem to have. When I renewed the last time I went for 3 years.....would have gone longer but 3 was the longest they offered.


I also read Rider mag, when my buddy is done with his and passes it on. I like it, but not as well as RoadRunner.


I used to get WingWorld when I had my 1500 wing. Pretty crappy mag in my opinion. Your mileage may vary.....


For me, it's a toss-up for a favorite between RoadRunner & Motorcycle Consumer News. Each has its own different good points. My other one is Rider.


I have subscriptions to three bike mags, the best by far, in my opinion is the Motorcycle Consumer News. What I like about them is none of the mfgers have them in their pockets and that allows them to call it as they see it.

I have subscriptions to three bike mags, the best by far, in my opinion is the Motorcycle Consumer News. What I like about them is none of the mfgers have them in their pockets and that allows them to call it as they see it.


+1. Wrote an article for them once back in the 80's.


I don't know if any of you knew this. but years ago Rider Magazine, used to sponcer Riding Clubs.

While Living Up state NY, we had two riding Clubs.

The Royal Knights MC of Plattsburgh NY & the Adirondack Sport touring Association, both listed with Rider Magazine

I've been reading and enjoying Rider Magazine since the early 80's. I found Road Runner almost a year ago, and I really enjoy that one too.


What he said!:innocent-emoticon:


Motorcycle Cruiser? I've gotten it for a few years and they seem to get an awful lot of HDs to test ride compared to other bikes. They have had the Venture in there ONE time that I know of since I have gotten the subscription. I may try a couple of these others before renewing my subscription.


Just finished the latest Road Runner mag at Books A Million. Interesting article from the host who is originally from Europe. Her and her husband started coming to the US on mc excursions starting with US1 from CA to WA. They liked our country so much they relocated and started the mag. Their children have grown up being serious riders and one has died from a tragic auto accident. Love the articles and the quality of paper and pictures!


I like Motorcycle Cruiser, but it seems impossible to renew my subscription, so I guess it will lapse. I also read Ride Texas for the more local content.


I enjoy IRONBUTT (a perk of being an IBA Premier member) for the very specialized articles.



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