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Happy Thanksgiving


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I'm thankful for many things. I could write a book here about all that I have to be thankful for but I'll spare you all because to be honest, much of it would be the same things that you are all thankful for.


So, to keep it relevant to VentureRider.org, I'll just say that I'm thankful to each and every single one of you. Even you troublemakers who may not see things 100% the same way that I do, you are still an important and loved part of the family here and if we all agreed on everything, it would get pretty mundane around here.


So here's wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope you all get to eat so much that you have to be rolled to bed. Let's also remember those in the world who have little to eat and say a special prayer for them and for our men and women in uniform who are serving and away from their families to make this day possible for all of us.

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Have a happy Thanksgiving to all my friends south of the ditch!


Just to let you know....the bike's winterized and put away, and the sled dawgs are just rip snortin' ready to go!



Enjoy your old dead bird, and have some extra stuffing and sweet potatoes for me!



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I'm thankful for many things. I could write a book here about all that I have to be thankful for but I'll spare you all because to be honest, much of it would be the same things that you are all thankful for.


So, to keep it relevant to VentureRider.org, I'll just say that I'm thankful to each and every single one of you. Even you troublemakers who may not see things 100% the same way that I do, you are still an important and loved part of the family here and if we all agreed on everything, it would get pretty mundane around here.


So here's wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope you all get to eat so much that you have to be rolled to bed. Let's also remember those in the world who have little to eat and say a special prayer for them and for our men and women in uniform who are serving and away from their families to make this day possible for all of us.


thank you and your family


prayers sent


and it was nice of you to include E-Fishin-C and Rocket too!

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