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Here is a good one. When i start the Venture its sounds great. I drive off and within a very short distance I get this very loud sound that will only stop when I pull over or at the very least almost stop rolling. Then when I take off everything is fine! I can only describe the sound as " a sound a worn out drill would make???" I have tried to activate the starter when the noise was sounding but that did not seem to make any difference!! Any sugjestions?


Thanks Ryan


On a happier note! I was still driving the bike yesterday and plan to take it as far as I can into the winter months. :snow2: I do have a goal of driving around each month!:179: Doing so with safety in mind.


Hey Ryan,

You didn't say where the sound is coming from, (general location) So this is just a guess, but if the sound is like a rotating, squeeling, rubbing noise, it could be that in the dash, the bushing for the speedo drive needs to be lubed. To check this, remove the windshield, disconnect the speedo cable from the back of the dash, unbolt the dash unit from the frame, (4 screws, 2 on each side of the dash unit) rock the dash unit towards the rear of the bike, (no need to take the unit entirely from the bike) I then use some 30 wt. motor oil and lube the area where the speedo cable goes into the dash unit. Don't go crazy with the oil, a few drops will do it. If you are old enough to remember 3in1 oil, that would work as well. (WD40 is too thin) While you are at it, disconnect the speedo cable from the front wheel, remove, clean and lube the speedo cable as well with the same oil.

If you have questions, feel free to PM me.:thumbsup2:



Earl is right on this one, as usual, it is the bearing in the speedometer where the cable goes into. I usually have taken the speedometer out of the dash and lubed the bearing from the inside, but I now have a fitting I made to not have to do that. The hole where the cable goes into does not go thru so any lube needs to go between the bearing and the housing.

For anyone else that may experience this, don't keep riding or you may ruin the bearing. If you have to, take the cable housing loose at the wheel and pull the cable out and put away somewhere so it will not slide out of the housing.






I will try to look at that this weekend. Sorry about not telling where the sound was coming from. To tell you the truth its bit hard to tell. Its just real loud!


I suspect it's probably the cold temp speedo moan. I had it appear on the '83 and lubed the 'H' out of everything I could. It did seem to help, but not cure it totally. The real problem was that the upper connection to the speedo had come loose. I only found this out when R&Ring the dash later on. Gone14S had the same symptoms on his '84 when he bought it. I clued him in on the loose connector and he found that was the problem too. So you might want to pull the left hand turn signal assembly and reach in there to see if your's is loose also.

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