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CMA Members on Missionary Trip Attacked


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I got this email last night:


> Kerry Gibson is one of CMA National Evangelist.

> Please be in prayer for this mission team.



> Well we're stuck in Cap-Haitien. Can't

> get out due to riots in the streets. Everybody is safe and there doesn't

> appear to be an imminent danger. Tires burning in the streets, people

> throwing rocks, a few scattered shots being fired. Now with that said we

> are stuck at the closest thing to a luxury hotel there is in Cap-Haitien

> which is why I have Internet. Please pray for opportunities, protection

> and movement. KG





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People need to stay away. You can't help people that won't help themselves. When they had the people jailed from the church in the usa that went there to help them I told all the do gooders rasing money I wouldn't give them on dime. I called the toll free numbers and told them as long as they had the people in jail I wouldn't give anything.

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This is a message from John Ogden, Sr., CEO/Chairman of the Board for CMA:

Thank you for all of your prayers for the CMA team in Haiti and also the other teams we have around the world at this time. I visited with Kerry this morning and his team is at the border of Haiti and the Dominican Republic and no longer in danger. They are being well taken care of and said the lodging and food are great. Everyone's spirits are high. They will soon be back in the Dominican Republic and in the hands of Missionary Ventures where they will continue to be well cared for. This has been a trying time for them as well as our CMA families, but we believe the hand of God was upon them and that things far greater than we could comprehend were being accomplished in CMA, as well as with our ministry partners, for the Kingdom of God.


Within the ministry of CMA there are many things we are believing God for and we can truly see the hand of God on this ministry opening doors. Thank you for being a part of what God is doing through CMA. Please continue to pray for our teams around the world.


In closing, below is an email from Kerry describing some of what they have been through.



Under cover of darkness the UN loaded our baggage into one APC and positioned us into 2 others. We gathered up and did a practice run about an hour before the scheduled 02:40 load time. After the practice drill the lights were killed to avoid detection by the Haitians and to give the appearance of "all quiet." and then we waited.

At 02:40, on the nose, the leader came in and gave the command "vaminos."

We loaded our respective vehicles quietly and in the darkness our convoy slipped out of the gates and into the Haitian streets. From that point on there wasn't anything covert about it. It was fast and loud. Once out in the city streets our convoy separated, possibly to make it more difficult for anyone who may be interested, to focus on the Blancos. (Whites) The entire run took about a half hour and we arrived at the much larger, more secure, Chileian army base outside of town to wait on the next leg of our journey out.


Sent from my phone but it's still all about Jesus!


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