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Guess What Bubber?


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Why thank you kind people and thanks for not asking how old this old dog really is!

I seem to remember Noah gathering animals two by two.


I just really hate telling really BIG lies to everyone. LMAO :missingtooth: Some is OK....... but not to everyone..... at least all at once.:Avatars_Gee_George: With witnesses.



I better go, I think my foot is to deep in my mouth already.

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I was just looking at the pictures from around the country of people honoring our veterans. I cannot express in words how proud I am to have my birthday fall on such a great holiday that honors our fallen, our living vets and our serving vets. And that is why I will never forget this day as long as I live.

Thank You all our vets, thank you for your undying service to our country and our way of life.

Two of my brothers have served and both have now passed on. So I salute my brothers along with the millions that have also served.

GOD BLESS YOU, and God's Speed!

From a greatful country and the land of the free, thanks to them.

I have to go now and remember my brothers and find a nice quite place for a little while.


Proud to be an American

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I was just looking at the pictures from around the country of people honoring our veterans. I cannot express in words how proud I am to have my birthday fall on such a great holiday that honors our fallen, our living vets and our serving vets. And that is why I will never forget this day as long as I live.

Thank You all our vets, thank you for your undying service to our country and our way of life.

Two of my brothers have served and both have now passed on. So I salute my brothers along with the millions that have also served.

GOD BLESS YOU, and God's Speed!

From a greatful country and the land of the free, thanks to them.

I have to go now and remember my brothers and find a nice quite place for a little while.


Proud to be an American


Well put.:thumbsup2:

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