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What's Your Pet Peeve?


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I hate what I call double-work. You set to a task, paln how it needs to be done, follow that plan, modified along the way as needed, all the way to completion. Then some yoyo decides that it needed to be done some other way, and forces you to do it all over again, from scratch. I'm a travel agent, and love my job. I wish people would make up their minds about what they would have me do for them before they get on the phones!

As for the rest, let's see if we can get the girls to put the seats UP for us. Sounds like a great idea to me!

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So, the bike is parked for the winter and the honey-doos are on the back burner and another thread about toilet paper caused me to think about this topic .... so, here's one of mine...


.... and mine is definately a guy thing... (but I'm sure the ladies will have some similar stories)...


It really "irks" me when I walk into the john and up to the urinal to see that some guy had peed all over the floor. I mean... who are these people that can't keep their pee IN the urinal? Do they know they are getting it all over the floor? ... Do they realize there is guys like me who are repulsed by stepping in some other guy's pee? Do they realize that by splashing it all over the floor they might also have soaked their shoes and/or maybe even their pant legs? What are they doing that causes them to totally miss the urinal....are they thrashing it side-to-side?? ... just who are these people anyway?? Just once I'd like to catch one of them in the act!! LOL





I know why this happens. We have the same problem at work. Bathroom gets cleaned and 30 minutes later the floor is all wet. The cause is....


Their guts are so big, they can't see it...and don't know where they're aiming.........

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I know why this happens. We have the same problem at work. Bathroom gets cleaned and 30 minutes later the floor is all wet. The cause is....


Their guts are so big, they can't see it...and don't know where they're aiming.........



Then leave some lengths of PVC pipe against the wall. they can either use it to direct the flow...or use it as a periscope to see where the thing is! :crackup::crackup::crackup::whistling:

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I know why this happens. We have the same problem at work. Bathroom gets cleaned and 30 minutes later the floor is all wet. The cause is....


Their guts are so big, they can't see it...and don't know where they're aiming.........


That's what I suspected; however, I didn't want to say it coz there's so many members here with BIG GUTS! :rotf: :rotf: :witch_brew:

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