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I need to contact my Son in the marines, Last I talked to him he was going to be in 29 Palms for the mo. of Oct. I called the recuiter station in lawton Okla and they was no help to me gave me no numbers to even try calling? all they said was he was in MojaveViper?.

reason is my Dad his Papa Don has cancer and the Doctor said he has less than a week to live and I wanted to contact my son and let him know since they were so close to each other. I wont post my sons name or tag number here he is with

2nd Battalion 5th Marines first Platoon Gulf Co..

if anybody has any info on how to get through please let me know

Thanks Buddy


If you know where he is stationed normally, they base locator there may be able to help you. Failing that call the Red Cross, they are experts at finding soldiers.


Hope you and yours find peace in this troubling time.


YES Red Cross. I was at 29 Palms when my Grandmother had a major stroke (she raised me) and the red cross tracked me down real fast.

  rumboogy said:
Red Cross WILL take care of this for you. Contact them immediately and they will get a hold of him.




Red cross messages are no joke as soon as the command gets them they have to notify the service member immediattly. Just remember that it may take him a little while to respond.


Normally the Red Cross only involves themselves in "bonafide" emergencies. You may or may not be successful soliciting their assistance short of a family emergency. If I were you, I simply call the operator at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, 29 Palms, Ca (obtainable from information or google it). Ask them for the telephone number to the Staff Duty Officer or Officer of the Day for 1st Battalion, 5th Marines or ask the Base Operator to connect you. Tell the Battalion Staff Duty or the Battalion Officer of the Day you need to get a message to your son. THEY WILL PROVIDE IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE.




2nd Batt/5th Marines is on Camp Pendleton...If you cannot get a hold of him through the red cross, let me know. I work in Oceanside (right outside the base) and I will find someone from the unit to pass the message on. Just let me know. I apent seven years on that base and I will agree the Red Cross is the way to go...I also believe that the Red Cross may not be able to assist you until the situation worsens...


My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.


When I was in Basic Training at MCRD Parris Island in 1977, my Grandmother fell and broke her hip. My parents contacted the Red Cross and I got to make a phone call right away.


Good luck and prayers sent.


Semper Fi




Thank You everyone for all your info. I been leaving text messages on his phone but like stated he was in 29 Palms. My son called last night around 6pm he just came in from training and called A.S.A.P when he turned on his phone. So he was up dated on Dad health.......

Sad to say my Dad passed away this morning at 6:25am ........I been by his side for 4 days straight with no sleep so forgive me if my spelling is off.......

Do not know the full details yet? I been told he has full honors for Fort Sill Cemertary

Thank for the Prayers as we need them right now......Thank You and God Bless

BUddy & Peg


Buddy.i too am sorry for your loss.

it's never easy to find a way to TYPE what's in your heart.

knee mail sent for you and your loved ones.

just jt

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