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screen name

Guest Ken8143

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Lots of interesting posts about screen names. In my case, I was in a rush to get info to decide whether to buy a VR, so I just used my name. These posts made me think a bunch about what I might have used with more thought. Maybe "Preacher" because back when I was a kid, my cousin and I shared a love for motorcycles and we had our own "club" of two. He nicknamed me Preacher. Many years later, he was killed on a motorcycle. While I didn't think of it at the time, it turned out that he was killed on the same year/same color VR as I bought.

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ddog was nickname growing up in LA (Lower Alabama=Pensacola, Fl). We were using first initial (d for Derrek) + dog or dog as a nickname suffix long before it became popular with the rap crowd. ddog was taken when I was signing up, a name I used on another forum I was active in for a number of years when I had a diesel, So RSTDdog it was.


Both ddog and RSTDdog were taken when I tried to get a FL personalized tag for the motorcycle, so others have thought of it as well.



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My hobby is building, flying and collecting kites, and kite ephemera.


While I was on active duty with the US Navy one of my kite flying friends noted that I was a "Squid" which if you call a sailor a squid in the wrong setting he might make your nose point in a new and interesting direction........


So he said something like this:



Your a squid, you fly kites, you are a kite flying squid, kite squid.......KiteSquid.



I had a licence plate that said:




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Well here we go, my last name is Woodfin and I was nicknamed Woody as is a lot of my relatives and since Woody was taken and I lived in Sylacauga, Alabama. I became sylwoody. some people reversed the letters and called me slywoody but I don't mind. that's my story and I'm sticking to it, what's yours?

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My call sign was given to me by the president of the FreeMasons Riding Club, In Septemver of 2007.

Four of us were on our way south from Maggie valley, NC, from the second National Rally.

Bear (Pres.) Tenn.

Glo-Joe ( Greeter) Dallas Texas

Stickman ( Founder of the Dixie travelers ) Alabama

Brake Pad ( Founder of the Stone Cutters) Florida


The story goes like this. We where running south, on 25 out of Ashville area. I got seperated by a lady in a mini van, chatting on the phone. well, the guys turned off, and stopped for gas. and I kept my eyes on the lady. who didn't even know I was there. Gab Gab Gab. so I let her pass. I pulled over, when I saw, I was riding alone. I had to turn around on a grass medium, and back track, to the gas station.

Bear, said I think I have a Name for you. so at the next rest area, I was dupped.


we rode all the way to Florida, then the three, turned west on I-10, and I headed home, to Ft. lauderdale

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Mine came from when I was a teenager (16) and had a head on bike wreck at a combined impact of 150 MPH. Me, the bike (Honda CB 750) and the car (69 Pontiac Bonneville) that hit me were all totalled. After 3 months in a coma, then 1 1/2 years in traction I spent 3 years in a wheel chair and physical therapy learning how to walk again.

When I would get in a defeated mood and want to give up my Mother would encourage me by telling me over and over again, " Don't let this Dragon Slay you, You Be the Dragonslayer" and it kinda stuck from there.

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Guest Ken8143
Mine came from when I was a teenager (16) and had a head on bike wreck at a combined impact of 150 MPH. Me, the bike (Honda CB 750) and the car (69 Pontiac Bonneville) that hit me were all totalled. After 3 months in a coma, then 1 1/2 years in traction I spent 3 years in a wheel chair and physical therapy learning how to walk again.


When I would get in a defeated mood and want to give up my Mother would encourage me by telling me over and over again, " Don't let this Dragon Slay you, You Be the Dragonslayer" and it kinda stuck from there.


WOW! What a story. Dragonslayer takes on a whole new meaning now.

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My handle was given to me in my younger days. Once I had completed my qualifying exams and skill tests in underground mine rescue, my instructor congratulated me and called me a Dragerman. I didn’t know it at the time but underground mine rescue personal were traditionally called Dragerman. It comes from the Drager BG174 which is a closed circuit oxygen re-breather breathing apparatus which is one of our primary pieces of equipment. Little did I know that this experience would mold the rest of my life.

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B2dad thought up our names...it comes from our son, Jason, who some of you know (he used to have a crotch rocket). He is a B2 pilot in the Air Force...so we are B2dad and B2mom.

We also have a painting of his B2 on the back of the trike. Quite a conversation piece when we make stops.


As a side note...he is currently on his way home from Afghanistan. Should be back home in a couple of days.


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Guest RawHide

My Ex Husband introduced me to his father's motorcycle...but it wasn't his. Neither my brothers or cousins rode a motorcycle, but I really like it!


Then I met my ex PB&J and he was a 30 year veteran so when I met him in 2006 I got a little sore and Big Tom would tease me because I had to get up and stretch a lot!


So that is where RawHide name came in...I thought of it all by myself! And the Guys liked it, so it sticked!


I no longer have a sore butt because a year later Phil bought our new used Venture Rider all the way in Michigan. Cleaned it up and brought the shine and glory back to the old girl that was sitting neglected! She was a fine lady...and only behaved when I sat in the back.


Phil will tell ya she like to misbehave if I wasn't there! She didn't like riding over 60 and would wobble her hinnie! I have fond memories of Brown Fox her christian name!


Thank you for bringing the riding back into my life PB&J and introducing me to fine folks on Venture Rider Org!


See ya all next year, hopefully will do another rally for the Finger Lakes area again!




Spring can't come any sooner!



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Had to pick a handle for when I first stated using the website fourms and at that time I was heavy into archery. While memebers of my archery club had used carbon arrows I was the first to use both a carbon bow and carbon arrows together.

Rather then beating my brain coming up with something for the bike fourms I just stuck with the Carbon_One handle.

I like to tell folks I'm the orginal not a carbon copy. LOL:cool10:


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Had to pick a handle for when I first stated using the website fourms and at that time I was heavy into archery. While memebers of my archery club had used carbon arrows I was the first to use both a carbon bow and carbon arrows together.

Rather then beating my brain coming up with something for the bike fourms I just stuck with the Carbon_One handle.

I like to tell folks I'm the orginal not a carbon copy. LOL:cool10:


Carbon Copy????:confused24: What is that???? Doesn't your xerox have a multiple copy button?

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