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Smoke Free 1 Month today!!!!


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I smoked for 22 years. Quit with help of the patch about 8 years ago. Still enjoy the occasional cigar but have NO desire for a cig. Best thing I ever did was quit. Feel sorry for those who don't. I do know that you have to WANT to quit. If you still enjoy it, I don't know if you can quit.

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Guest scarylarry

I been off of them for almost 2yrs, I was at 3 packs a day, when I hit around the 30 day mark I experience some changes, first my nose ran all the time that came to pass after a few weeks, Dr. told me I was breathing air I never breath before...

Also I rewarded myself for quiting, with a 09 venture...:thumbsup:

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November 1st will be two years for me and I am really glad I quit. Besides feeling better the money now pays for my new addictive habit,:7_6_3[1]: MOTORCYCLE RIDING, at least that is what the wife says. Stay quit, you will be happy you did, and if you ever want to start back, just think about the COPD commercials, that was the trigger that got me to quit, didn't want to grow old and be lugging around a O2 bottle!!:dancefool:

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