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Going to court.


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Wish me luck I am going to court Wednesday to hopefully get custody of the kids from the ex! I have to get them out of the enviroment they are in there and take care of them. This has taken me since school let out for summer break to get to court! I hope form the kids sack we win to get them away from the abuse. Thanks!

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Goodluck...It cost me a lot of lawyer money to get custody of my son when I got a divorce...I have no regrets, because I knew the type of environment he would have to live in... The ex wanted everything from me, she didn't get it, and I got our son....

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Good luck to you. I went through it about 16 years ago. It cost a lot in attorney fees but was worth every dime. I did win and she ended up only with court supervised visitation which she never exercised. I was also awarded child support but never received a single payment. I think that with interest and penalties, she owes somewhere around $125,000.00 now. I'll never see it and that's fine, at least it kept you away. One thing you will learn though is that the child support enforcement folks don't go after deadbeat moms the way they go after deadbeat dads. Like I said, the money is not important and I never asked for it anyway, it is just the law that it was ordered.

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Thanks everyone! Just trying to keep myself positive and it gets very hard at the end! I knew I would get some positive energy here and hopefully it goes to court with me wed! Until this I can't believe how much lawyers cost and how slow the court system is and how comen sence doesn't play into it. Thanks again!

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Wish me luck I am going to court Wednesday to hopefully get custody of the kids from the ex! I have to get them out of the enviroment they are in there and take care of them. This has taken me since school let out for summer break to get to court! I hope form the kids sack we win to get them away from the abuse. Thanks!

Good luck hope it works out.

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Good Luck Waterbug This is a never ending battle, The courts still favor the mother alot. I have 50% visitation and Custody, which appears to work well for our son. However relentlessly every 2 years the Ex takes me back to court cost me and her about $1500 a piece. The end result is no change. It can get very frustrating Especially when an uniformed step parent gets involved. Best of luck to you and most of All may the courts do what is best for the children!

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Hang in there. It may seem tough right now but it may very well be the best thing for you and the kids.


I did that battle 18 1/2 years ago. My daughter was only 8 months old when I got full custody of her. The X dropped out of the scene completly within a year. I know I did the right thing for both my daughter and myself.


I never would have forgiven myself if I didn't put up the fight. It was worth it.



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Thanks everyone! Today is the day! I talked to my son a little last night and his mom his playing a guilt trip on him and making him think it's all his fault! I haven't been able to talk to my daughter to see how she is yet. I can't believe how she is putting the weight of the world on him! I can't get him to talk much I guess he is to much like me on that and holds it all in. I do know once I get them I am going to have to get them some help to deal with all this crap she has and is doing to them. This being in two states is wearing us all out! I even have the same thing going on with my girlfriends son and his soon to be ex so I'm getting hit all over. Only bad thing with him is he is in Maryland and she is in WI. His moved out of the new house he made for her while he was in afganistan and now just want to live above her fathers garage. I need a boring year! Thanks again to everyone I need all the positive energy I can get! God bless! Kevin

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I want to say thank you to everyone! Court was very very long we didn't get till around 5:30 pm last nite. I truly believe that we won but don't know as of yet because the judge has to make her decision and then mail it out. The judge at the end took the kids by herself one at a time and talked to them and both kids tole her about the fighting and arguing and stuff there and how they want to live with me. My ex talked or rambled for over 1.5 hrs saying the samemthing over and over. I can't believe that someone as educated as her kept shooting herself in the foot. In the end the judge asked her if there was a court order for her and herboyfriend not to smoke in the house or around the kids she told her no she had smoke all her life and won't stop. Pretty bad when my lawyer tells me not to have a heart attack when I get the bill! Thanks again!:337:

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I hope and will continue to pray that it works out in your favor. Yes, those attorney fees can be killer but there are some things in life that are worth what you have to pay. If you have only had to go to court one time, you are very lucky. I went through this in Texas about 16 years ago and there ended up being 4 court appearances. My attorney fees went over $10,000.00. It was a hard hit but worth every dime.

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Keep up the fight . A friend of mine went through it and lost. As soon as she got full custody she stuck him in a military school and left him there. She never wanted him, she just wanted to use him to to punish the husband. It took another long expensive fight to get him out of there and have custody turned over to him, which he finally was able to do. Funny even with her sticking the son in that school signing papers that no one but her was to visit him, which she never did. The courts still leaned in her direction and He had a hard fight, which He finally after maney thousands of dollars won. The two of them have bonded greatly and he is ever so happy he never gave up.

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Good luck in waiting for the outcome Kevin, those are two great kids. They helped a lot when I was up there! A little bit of TLC, some time and a bit of patience and I believe they'll turn out to become great adults!


Now that boy, and you can tell him I said this, needs to work that shovel and rake a bit more this fall to help the old man out!


Thoughts and prayers going out to help you thru this.



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Thanks Dano and yes I agree! He wants me to help him lose the weight and get in shape. Thanks Ausie for your thoughts and support everyone! My son who is 13 is 5'8" and 220 lbs and wants to get in shape and so does my daughter so we have a lot of work to do when they get here.

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