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Randy Quaid has lost his marbles


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I have always thought Randy Quaid was a little out there, but loved the parts he played in the movies like cousin Eddie in Christmas Vacation and a couple others, but what the heck is wrong with him now? Is it too much drugs and alcohol or just a need for attention.

Here is an article today where Randy and his wife were arrested in Vancouver for some charges in California for breaking and entering and now they are asking Canada for asylum? Weird!





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I too have enjoyed him in several movies in the past but he appears to be off the deep end now. This is not the first time that they have been in trouble with the law. The way I understand this latest ordeal, he had either sold or had his home repossessed a couple of years ago. It has had a couple of owners since that time. Apparently nobody was living in the house but he and his wife and taken it upon themselves to move into the guest house without permission. Not only were they squatting in the guest house, but according to the article, had done a lot of damage to it also.


That was a few weeks ago I think. This week he and his wife failed to show up for their court date so a warrant was issued for their arrest. That was the last thing I read on it.

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You can keep both of then up there. Let then spend the winter outside!!


Well Dan , we dont want them either, and as far as being outside, theyre in Vancouver and its probably warmer there in winter than about north half of Texas.....so they wont freeze real quick, just start to smell bad...lol



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Remember, movie stares are actors. In other words they are fakes, that's what an act is. Most of them could not hold down a real job. There are a few of them that are decent people but not many. Yet we still insist on making them rich. That is why I never go to movie theaters or watch pay per view anymore. Bad enough paying for the sat. dish as it is.

Get over it and find a real hero like a war veteran, or Saint Judes Hospital or Save the TA TA's. Something real. ;)

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