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To our Poison Ivy sensitive riders...

Guest human4m

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Guest human4m

If you are the kind of person who has a reaction to Poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac-whatever... Basically, if you get a rash (contact dermatitis) from any of those, in case you didn't already know- It's caused by "urushiol" found on the leaves. Once you've touched it, you have about an hour or less to wash it off THOROUGHLY, or get ready for the tin weeping blisters to come along...


Anyhow, if you like Mangos... Be careful. I found out this weekend that Mangos caontain Urushiol in the skin, stem, and leaves of the plant. I ate a mango (skin on) last Thursday, and I looked like Jospeh Merrick byt Sunday. A shot in the keester of steroids didn't help, so now I'm on a 12-day prednisone reginmen...


Also while I'm in here, I might as well clear up some other things about Urushiol (poison):


500 people could itch from the amount covering the head of a pin.


1 to 5 years is normal for urushiol oil to stay active on any surface including dead plants.


Burning poison ivy leaves is a BAD idea, as urushiol becomes airborne, and WILL get on you.


Rubbing the rashes won't spread poison ivy to other parts of your body (or to another person). You spread the rash only if urushiol oil -- the sticky, resinlike substance that causes the rash -- has been left on your hands. Popping the blisters will NOT cause anything to spread.

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And if you ever get poison ivy on you, the absolute best remedy for the severe itching is hot water, as hot as you can stand. Once you submerge the rash, it will itch beyond belief but will quickly subside. Once the itching is totally gone, you are good for about 24 hours. I had it so bad one time, that I thought I would die and this was the only thing that worked.

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Burning poison ivy leaves is a BAD idea, as urushiol becomes airborne, and WILL get on you.



And if you inhale it you'd be in a world of hurt.


We had some poison Ivy pop up in the back yard. One treatment with Weed-B-Gone was the end of it.

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Me ...nothing works . Other than I have to let it blister, scrape it and drowned it with alcohol. Not the drinking type, but it does help.

Shots, meds, lotions, nor washes help me. That stuff jumps on me like the tax man!





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And if you ever get poison ivy on you, the absolute best remedy for the severe itching is hot water, as hot as you can stand. Once you submerge the rash, it will itch beyond belief but will quickly subside. Once the itching is totally gone, you are good for about 24 hours. I had it so bad one time, that I thought I would die and this was the only thing that worked.



This is exactly what I have done for years.

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I look at poison ivy I get it .... I tried most everything out there and the Only thing that works for me and gets rid the itch and pain for good in less than 2 min is "ZANFEL" you can get it at Walgreen's - Wallie world - most drug stores

yes I know its very $$$ but I love the stuff....

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On most rough or disturbed soil and also on maney lawns you may find a low growing broad leafed plant called plantian. The seed pods grow about 3-6" tall and skinney. If you take the leaves from this plant pulverize it and then spred it on the poison ivy it will also stop the itch. Also works great on insect bites and bee stings.


By the way I have been told the seed pods are rich in vitamin B and if you snack on a couple it makes your blood undesirable to mesquitos. This second part I have not tried yet so i can't say for sure if it works or not

Edited by saddlebum
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several years ago I had ivy or oak (dunno which) on both of my arms so bad that the blisters were almost one. Of course it itched and I was using Calamine lotion to no avail.


Instead of scratching I would just rub with the palm of my hand, busted the blisters, not because I wanted to but - it happens.


Anyway, the fluids were dripping off my fingers as I walked and the itch was just about unbearable so my wife made me go to the hospital. We were out of town at the time and wasn't sure if my insurance would cover the er visit. To tell the truth, I really didn't care, I needed some relief.


The er Dr. gave me a shot and prescription and within an hour the itching subsided and within a week you couldn't tell that that I had ivy.

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Whenever I have been working in an area that I think has poison ivy, I take a shower and scrub with Technu.


Manufactures web site is HERE



Technu keeps me from breaking out!!!!!!! as it destroys the Urushiol



I have also used it after handling hot chili peppers to get the Capsaicin off my hands.....

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Oh man, just reading this thread has got me to itching.

I found out the hard way that I am allergic to poison ivy.

I don't just get oozing blisters, I get blisters that bleed. it takes heavy duty prescription drugs and creams to slow it down and about 6 weeks to heal.

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Whenever I have been working in an area that I think has poison ivy, I take a shower and scrub with Technu.


Manufactures web site is HERE



Technu keeps me from breaking out!!!!!!! as it destroys the Urushiol



I just got it for the 1st time in my life, and the HOT WATER, and Technu is what I used/did. But I didn't find out about these untill after I broke out with the rash.


I've spent lots of time in my life in the woods/poison ivy, but this time when I got home, instead of dropping the clothes and taking a shower, I had a cold one and relaxed, in fact had several more and the next thing ya know, it was time for bed.


you can belive I won't do that again.



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I think I must be immune to poisin ivy/summac. I've walked right through patches of the stuff and have never gotten a rash. MOF the wife and kids followed me through some of the stuff once... not on purpose... and they all came down with it. Not me. But... I ain't gonna go out and roll in the stuff..... just because....


Years ago I shot trap and a gun club over on the coast and their trap houses were set right on the lip of a ravine. For over 50 years, at the time, lead shot had been accumulating down on the bottom along with 100% poison summac coverage. In some spots the shot was 2"-3" thick and it couldn't be mined. I heard... I don't know how true this is... that they couldn't burn the summac because the smoke carried the oil and could affect the whole town. So, as far as I know, there's another 40 years of shot accumlation on the bottom....

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I think I must be immune to poisin ivy/summac. I've walked right through patches of the stuff and have never gotten a rash. MOF the wife and kids followed me through some of the stuff once... not on purpose... and they all came down with it. Not me. But... I ain't gonna go out and roll in the stuff..... just because....


Years ago I shot trap and a gun club over on the coast and their trap houses were set right on the lip of a ravine. For over 50 years, at the time, lead shot had been accumulating down on the bottom along with 100% poison summac coverage. In some spots the shot was 2"-3" thick and it couldn't be mined. I heard... I don't know how true this is... that they couldn't burn the summac because the smoke carried the oil and could affect the whole town. So, as far as I know, there's another 40 years of shot accumlation on the bottom....


I've never gotten it either. My Uncle was 78 years old before he ever got it for the first time.

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I think I must be immune to poisin ivy/summac. I've walked right through patches of the stuff and have never gotten a rash.....


I can lay in the stuff (have done so, hooking up a "towing light bar" to a truck, at the most, I only get a mild tingling feeling. :2cents:

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Guest human4m
i'm naturellyimmuned to it all, but my x-wife read that pistashio nuts are are in the same family and when her mother ate them she would itch like the devil. so i guess you need to check it out with a few before you eat a lot of them.


I know Cashews are related, but the urushiol is on the shell, which is why you don't find them in a shell.

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