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Barb and I got home from our trip and we're both still grinning. The weather was great, the bike ran perfect, and we had a lot of laughs with our friends. The 4 of us travelled from southern IL to Branson on state and U.S. highways---no interstates at all. Had a great couple of days in Branson. It was too bad that I hadn't read Wild Hair's message while I was in his neighborhood----we were only about 40 miles away and could have visited. Then we went down to Hot Springs. We took Rte. 7 from Harrison to Hot Springs and it is a great road on a bike. We continued our "no interstate" theme and rode to Tunica Miss. and let Mr Harrah put us up for a great price. On the way back to Illinois we stopped in Memphis and had lunch on Beale St. We intend on going back next year for their Wednesday bike night on Beale St. It sounds like there are a lot of bikes there for that. All told, we put just shy of 2,000 miles on the bike.


Only one small thing to take care of. Our friends 1800cc Wing decided that it wanted to roll forward and off the kickstand. Our Venture was sharing a parking spot and kept the Wing from hitting the ground. To do this, the Venture had to sacrifice it's radiator cover (it cracked). If somebody has one that they want to part with, please send me a private message.





guess it was a good thing not to call me,that might have mess your hole trip--ha ha,any & every one is welcome at my place,even if i'm not here,peck's trailer hitch bus is only half block,from my house,they have a key,just show them that you are ALIVE,then stand by for the B.S




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