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On the 1st gen instrument cluster there is a reed switch mounted above the speedometer cable input. This reed switch senses the turning of the front wheel and outputs a signal to the cruise control & turn signal cancel circuit. Picture attached below.


Does anyone know if this reed switch pulses 1 time per revolution of the speedometer cable or a different number? I don't have a spare cluster head to check for this, and don't want to dig into the one on the bike.


I am working on a digital circuit to replace the flasher/hazard relays and the turn signal cancel circuit. I will use the count output by this reed switch to determine the distance the bike has traveled and use this input to cancel the turn signals at some distance traveled point.


I know the front wheel circumference and the number of revolutions the cable makes per wheel rotation. With this info and knowing the number of times per cable revolution the reed switch pulses, I can calculate distance traveled.


I am going to replace the bulb in the rear turn signal housing with 15 LED's arranged in a pattern that can produce five independent arrows circuits of 3 LED's each. Second picture below. These five arrow patterns will be sequenced to give the appearance of a moving banner in the direction of the turn. At this point I plan to light first the inboard arrow, then at about 1/5 second intervals light the next arrow until all five arrows are lit, then turn off the first arrow, then each of the other arrows at the same 1/5 second interval, until all are off. This will give a full sequence every 2 seconds. This sequencing will be repeated as long as the turn signal switch request is on, or the self timer cancels signals.


Also, there will be a brake light circuit that will activate all the LED's steady in both turn signals when the brake is activated. If a left or right turn signal or hazards are activated, the brake light for the corresponding side in the turn signal housing, or both in case of hazards, will be deactivated allowing the side to flash.


Center brake light will function as it does now. If I have room in the turn signal housing, I will also mount lower wattage LED's for tail light function.


I have an analog (relay) circuit designed that will do the sequencing and brake functions using the existing outputs from the turn, hazard & brake switches. I will convert that design to a digital version which will be fairly compact and low power consumption. I am estimating about the size of a cigarette pack. This controller will also control front signals and dash indicators without the sequencing or brake light features.




I am working on a simular project, and found a source for LED's



I ordered blue, and got 100ea 5mm dia with 100ea 100 ohm and 470 ohm resisters for about $5 total including shipping. This was a trial order to see how they work, and they are great and very bright when looking straight on, but barely noticable when looking at an angle. They do project light quite a distance, as I wired 6 together on breadboard on kitchen table and lit up ceiling. I also just ordered red and yellow. May need some kind of diffusing lens for turn signals. Working on chasing light strip light to mount around bike to increase side visibility. Also plan on making simular turn arrows, although I was planning on 5 led's per chevron.


Per your question, I believe there is only 1 magnetic pole in the rotating magnetic in the speedo which acts on the reed switch(could be wrong) but unsure gear ratio in the wheel hub to figure wheel rotation to speedo cable rotation. Suggest ohm meter green/white at cancel relay to ground, and rotate front wheel counting pulses on ohm meter.

I am working on a simular project, and found a source for LED's



I ordered blue, and got 100ea 5mm dia with 100ea 100 ohm and 470 ohm resisters for about $5 total including shipping. This was a trial order to see how they work, and they are great and very bright when looking straight on, but barely noticable when looking at an angle. They do project light quite a distance, as I wired 6 together on breadboard on kitchen table and lit up ceiling. I also just ordered red and yellow. May need some kind of diffusing lens for turn signals. Working on chasing light strip light to mount around bike to increase side visibility. Also plan on making simular turn arrows, although I was planning on 5 led's per chevron.


Per your question, I believe there is only 1 magnetic pole in the rotating magnetic in the speedo which acts on the reed switch(could be wrong) but unsure gear ratio in the wheel hub to figure wheel rotation to speedo cable rotation. Suggest ohm meter green/white at cancel relay to ground, and rotate front wheel counting pulses on ohm meter.



The wheel ratio to the speedo cable is 3 turns of the cable per 1 revolution of the wheel. I have a spare wheel cable gear head that I verified that on.


Reason I didn't use 5 LED's for the arrows at this point is I am planning on also putting in a series of lower wattage LED's that will light with the tail light circuit.


I will determine if I can do that when I see what the circuit board configuration will be in the turn signal housing. I am unsure at this point if I will be able to have room for all the traces on the board to light the turn/brake LED's. There will be physical room, but the overlapping circuits may pose a problem.


I originally intended on using dual wattage LED's, but that is proving to be difficult as I have to switch both the positive & negative side of the LED's, in different circuit paths. This is dictated by the configuration of the turn signal switch contacts. Due to the design of the turn signal switch, once a turn direction is selected, the switch outputs a continuous positive pulse and a momentary negative pule on different wires. The negative pulse is only for the duration that the switch is pushed right or left. The positive signal remains on until the turn signal is manually canceled by pushing in or down on the switch (depending on MKI or MKII). The cancel circuit over rides this constant on condition if the signal is not manually canceled.


As it is now I am looking at about 25 transistor circuits to control front & rear lights, canceling & dash functions. I am hoping to use an eprom for majority of transistors with a 556 dual timer chip to control flash rate & self canceling. Self canceling will be determined by either distance traveled, time or a combination. Also possible is a speed increase over a given setting.


The relay based version of the circuit indicates it is doable, but complex.



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