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Well I had a motor for my Venture and I was going to get it in Idaho. I had just received my new passport the US homeland needs for us Canadian bad boys "eh" so I'm at Sweet grass Montana customs I give them my shinny virgin passport and I swear the homeland computer sh#t itself.. Pulled over slammed into the glass security holding area ,I hear on the intercom get the K9. After several Hours printed and tossed out of the States..


So I got Banned.. I have an appointment next week with a immigration lawyer to fix this . I have traveled so many times in the US, this totally sucks I'm going to wear a turbin.http://vfrworld.com/photos/data/743/slobber.gif.

Update.. Went to the lawyer and it's in his hands now. more later.:mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::missingtooth::mugshot:

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Fly to Mexico and just walk across into Texas...no big deal hundreds of thousands do it every year!!





  mrich12000 said:
Well I had a motor for my Venture and I was going to get it in Idaho. I had just received my new passport the US homeland needs for us Canadian bad boys "eh" so I'm at Sweet grass Montana customs I give them my shinny virgin passport and I swear the homeland computer sh#t itself.. Pulled over slammed into the glass security holding area ,I hear on the intercom get the K9. After several Hours printed and tossed out of the States..


So I got Banned.. I have an appointment next week with a immigration lawyer to fix this . I have traveled so many times in the US, this totally sucks I'm going to wear a turbin.http://vfrworld.com/photos/data/743/slobber.gif.


Update.. Went to the lawyer and it's in his hands now. more later.:mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::missingtooth::mugshot:


Do they have you mixed up with Rocket:rotf:........you do know he is the evil one in the Richard clan....:stickpoke::rotfl:


Seriously, what do u think has happened? someone with your name on a do not enter list?


I hope u can get that cleared with the US customs guys soon.



  Bigfoot said:
Do you have any idea what's happened?


From what he told me, no idea at all. Things were fine with the prior passport (since expired). About $1600. + tax to get a Lawyer, involved in this.


All it takes, is for his name to be similar, to someone else on the list. So with that said, I wonder if my cousin (that I haven't seen in decades) can still go stateside??? As his first & last names are the same as Mike's.


I have entered into the states on the Eastern Niagara,Cornwall Buffalo 100's of times the Sweet grass Guards. They treated me and 5 other Canadians like scum!!! Tossed into a holding area Printed like a criminal F3ck em :Bunny2:I have a litigation started and had to pay 1600.00:mo money::mo money::mo money: to do it so I will see. and then after I have to go to this border crossing again to present my data to be adjudicated , then at the same time I have to give the US gov. 545.00 :mo money:so they will even look at it. so I say to the US members here talk to your Congressmen and get this stupid situ fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as I am pissed If I want to spend my money there ,It may never happen I'll go to europe.:draming:..:95::Cool_cool36:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo91XS5pVj8]YouTube - LEAKED RECORDING AT US/CANADA CROSSING[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9qYdALvFaU&feature=related]YouTube - US-Canada border tensions over the road[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdqVWTaZEYs&feature=related]YouTube - Montana Town Occupied By Private Paramilitary Security Force[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rb1UR65yIWY&feature=related]YouTube - The AMERICAN POLICE FORCE in MONTANA[/ame]


Tellme if i;m Crazy( quiet Paul) This happened before and it was in Germany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bawling::buttkick::buttkick::ignore::ignore::ignore::ignore::ignore:


LOL....the guy in the first audio clip....I woulda sent his butt back to Canada....what a mouth on this guy!


The first officer WAS being a pain in the butt, though.

  Monty said:
LOL....the guy in the first audio clip....I woulda sent his butt back to Canada....what a mouth on this guy!


The first officer WAS being a pain in the butt, though.


I don't think he was mouthy until the guard immediately asked for his keys when he answered that he didn't know what stores they were going to. They did say what mall. Just got outta hand with to much testosterone flowing. lol.


I've seen this crap on both sides and I have been detained as well....figure that for size , LOL! Honestly, I don't see borders among US and Canada other than political borders. Both residents of each nation have a great respect for one another , other than a few trouble makers thugs. However Border guards on each side do push their wait around now and then.

I was once coming back into the US and was stopped at the Canadian side prior to my departure of Canada. I was pulled in for unkown questioning. At the same time,there was an elderly couple whom the wife was physically challenged coming into Canada. They were taken from their car , actually drug out, taken in for questioning and their car was stripped down totally along with their luggage scattered all over the parking lot. What I thought was supposed to be a simple routine questioning from me took longer as the Canadian Border guards spent more time victumizing these people, All over her legal prescription drugs. The poor old lady, barely sitting upright in here wheelchair and her husband were then released and sent back to their car. The man asked if they were going to put their belongings back in order and were told that it was their problem. The car seats were even taken out. To find out I was only stopped as I had a fox tail hanging off my windshield mirror and they needed to find out if it was on the endangers species list and which they found out is was legal.

As I departed, the elder man was pleading for help to get his car put back together. I offered, but the CBG said I could not cross overto the north bound side of the building to help. So I immediately drove to the US side and after being asked the routine re-entry questions and cleared to proceed, I pulled over into the parking lot and entered the Customs building to notify US Border officials that of what had happened. It didn't take no time before 4 officers on foot walked over to the Canadian side and had a few words with the Canadian officers. It didn't take long at all for the Canadian officers to start putting back together what they had destroyed. I wish I was a Fly on the wall to hear what was said.

On a completely different topic, US Homeland Security personnel now has swollen head since 9/11. While in DC, attending Rolling Thunder as I am a member and we just had presented historical documents to the Library of Congress, they threw little 'ol me out of the building! I had forgotten that I had a small knife in my pocket. I declared it to an officer immediately after I saw a sign that stated "NO KNIVES". I declared it voluntarily to surrender it to the officer for either to hold onto it until I departed or throw it away. Well, the female officer had a fat head and unprofessionally went off on me using foul language. I can take foul language, but it was uncalled for to say the least. So I obliged her and told her to go urinate up a rope (that was saying it politely here for you fine folks) ! Well she knew I had plenty of witness to say she started the dispute other than me honestly forgetting to leave my small knife on the bike. Needless to say , Becky and I left and returned back to the scoot. Only to find 2 of DC finest MC cops at my bike and BEERCART. As we approached, they greeted us and asked how we were. I replied,"That depends". They asked why I replied with them words and I said to them that I thought they were here to arrest me. They laughed and said that their supervisor told them to come look at our bike and trailer. They both chuckles and said that Homeland Security working in the Library of Congress are a bunch of jerks and that Rent-a-Cops had more sense than them. Well we spoke with them about points of interest in the Capital area and we stated that there was no where to park. Immediately , Becky and I got a lighted MC Police escort around the Capital and presented a parking spot with our very own Secrete Service agents to watch over our bike as it was parked in what any other occasion an illegal spot. I just wonder sometimes on how I get myself into some of these situations?








Wow, that Canuck in the first clip was dummer than the car he was driving. I commend the US border guards for being as patient as they were...what a pompous idiot. I hope they kept him in the cage for a few hours....then got out the battery and cables..................



If in fact that first clip was real, it is the worst example of authority run wild I have heard in quite a while. There was no reason to detain those people whatsoever, and there was certainly no reason to arrest them.


The border agents (all of them) were doing nothing but pushing this guy around because he didn't cower before their greatness.

They stop three terrorist a day......hogwash. They would be bragging that number up one side and down the other just to show what a great job they are doing if that was true.


I too, have been stopped and searched at the US border several times, and this was way before 9-11. Six agents with a dog totally ripped apart my car and then went back to their card game leaving me to put everything back together.


As a citizen of the United States I'd like to apologize to Canada for things like this. It's a disgrace and we should not endorse this behavior by our border guards. :95:

  Monty said:
LOL....the guy in the first audio clip....I woulda sent his butt back to Canada....what a mouth on this guy!


The first officer WAS being a pain in the butt, though.


I TOTALLY agree!


I'm banned from Canada. Never commited a crime. Had a DUI 20 yrs ago.

Don't try to get into Canada if you've had a DUI!:bawling:

About the only reason I'd want to is to get to Alaska any way.


A couple of friends of mine have had DUI's and couldnt get into the US.. They talked to someone and got pardons to clear their record and no issues crossing since. I dont beleive the pardons cost much, but I dont know what the procedure would be in the US.

Ive been told that if youve had a DUI you should apply for a pardon whether youre crossing the border or not, as a future employer may run a check and a criminal record is a criminal record to them, so if you can clear it, you should.




Just my 2 cents worth?

I enjoy the fact that I can ride to the States, and have had no hassle.

BUT, if I were to encounter such a problem getting into the US,,,, forget it, we have lots of nice roads, friendly people, good food,,,,, that I really don't need all that. It's just a feeling I have, and it may go away, but when I would tell the border guard my destination, the name of the mall, but can't say exactly which stores???????????? that yahoo is a little over done, and I'll shop, online, or stay where I seem to be welcome. These guys were making mountains out of mohills just to justify pulling him over.

Now that being said,,, it is a recording and needs to be taken with a grain of sand,,,, but.!



That was clearly an abuse of power. The first guard was way out of line. The second was very unprofessional. The guy did not threaten the guard. He was understandably irate. As most people would be if a simple trip to the mall ended up this way. The guards clearly just wanted the guy to knuckle under and kiss their ==s. The guards threatened and intimidated this poor guy and his family until they proved they had more power. To what end? Just a demonstration of force. It makes me so sad to see that this is what we have come to.


  Marcarl said:
Just my 2 cents worth?

I enjoy the fact that I can ride to the States, and have had no hassle.

BUT, if I were to encounter such a problem getting into the US,,,, forget it, we have lots of nice roads, friendly people, good food,,,,, that I really don't need all that. It's just a feeling I have, and it may go away, but when I would tell the border guard my destination, the name of the mall, but can't say exactly which stores???????????? that yahoo is a little over done, and I'll shop, online, or stay where I seem to be welcome. These guys were making mountains out of mohills just to justify pulling him over.

Now that being said,,, it is a recording and needs to be taken with a grain of sand,,,, but.!



With all the trouble we're having on our SOUTHERN border I don't know why we're hasselling our Northern friends. That guard should count his blessings he's not stationed in Arizona.:yikes:


i think the guy and his wife were hoodooed either way they answered the 1st guards question. what if the husband and wife gave a different list of store they were going to visit...to those guards that would be tantamount to them lying and by telling the truth and saying they did not know which stores they were going to patronize, well we heard the results of that. some people just totally submit to an authority figure (may be the way they were brought up) while others feel it teir right to question. my personality would probably have gotten me into the same trouble as that poor guy and his wife. those who never question authority may be a prime target for a police state. i pity that couple and hope the guards some day get the same type of treatment.


I've only been to Canada once, great ppl I might add. I think too (pre 9/11) that crossing the border @ 2am in Montana might have made a difference. But I was given no trouble at all. Now though, I think I'd get the riot act just for showing up.

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