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Hey, BEER30


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She's lookin' at you like "what the heck is so funny?"




The little darling is chewing around $100.00 worth of toys a month, including the nylon ones and "KONGS".. Gene made her some of his "indestructible ones"...so far, they are still in one piece.....:fatsmiley::fnd_(16): ps.... store bought toys last her less than an hour

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I see the resemblance. All she needs is an ice cream cone. :thumbsup2:



Ted, same here. Could it be the eyes or the appetite ?


So those whom are wondering, I occasionally make toys for the K-9's. I sew up 2" scuba webbing into loops. Averaging up to 7 to 9 layers (3/4" thick) and up to about 12 rows of stitches. Most of those I make these toys are for Rotts and Pitts and now a Basset Hound. Please do not turn this into an Anti-Breed thread. Those I make these toys for are to keep the "Best Friend" occupied with by training, chewing or playing, but mainly keeping them from chewing your leg off. One of our past employees has Rotts. She ties one of the "LOOP" toys onto a rope and hangs it for the dog to hang off of. She, the Rott hangs for hours at a time playing. I make about 2 of these "Looped" to us for her a year. Cannot remember the dogs name, but she's a sweet loving animal and well obedient .

My cousin up in AK raises Pitts. He hangs the "Looped" toys up on a rope as well. He's a responsible owner/trainer himself. He only has to say one word and all his Pitts stop what they are doing, regardless of what actions they are in and immediately go swinging on the toys. They hang for hours as well.




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What a sweetie looking Bassett! Animals (the four legged kind) make our lives much fuller.


As for specific breed hatred, I have to say it is not the dog, but the human that is at fault.


Here is a pic of our girl Lady. We got her at the Sioux Falls Humane Society in August of 2004 so she is about 7 years old now. They did not know anything about her as she was a stray. They thought she as part German Shepard. After doing some breed research, I have come to believe, based on her body structure and attitude, she has whipett in her. She can go from 0 to 30 in about three strides.



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What a sweetie looking Bassett!





Don't let that puss fool you. She is a devil. Dr. Distruction, the doer of all bad deeds, a thief, miss attitude, the eater of couches, cable lines, and anything you tell her no to . In fact the word "NO" sets her into a tailspin..........If you don't believe me, I send her for a visit...Make sure your homeowners insurance is paid up.............On the other hand "THATS WHY I LIKE HER".......she reminds me of me....except for the miss attitude thing ...:rotf::rotf::fnd_(16):


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What a sweetie looking Bassett!





Don't let that puss fool you. She is a devil. Dr. Distruction, the doer of all bad deeds, a thief, miss attitude, the eater of couches, cable lines, and anything you tell her no to . In fact the word "NO" sets her into a tailspin..........If you don't believe me, I send her for a visit...Make sure your homeowners insurance is paid up.............On the other hand "THATS WHY I LIKE HER".......she reminds me of me....except for the miss attitude thing ...:rotf::rotf::fnd_(16):



You forgot "Tasmanian Devil" in disguise!




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