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:080402gudl_prv:My new aux gas tank, it holds 3.5 gls. On the kick stand all I can get in it is 3 gls. I get 37.6 mpg. around town. Hwy I get 40 mpg. I got 113.5 miles with 3 more gls. That is a total of 260 miles per fillup. I use the 3 gl. first then swith over to the main tank. The main tank is turned off till I need it. this is done with out stopping. When the 3gls, is running out I flap the main tank on.

260 miles around town or 280 on hwy on 7gls, of gas. I still have my reserve gas of one gls. in the main tank for 37. 6 miles or hwy at 40 miles.

I now can go 320 miles befour I run out. The aux tank can be tanken off or on in less then 5 mins. I do like stoping a lot but not for gas.

I know youall like picture so here is some.:cool10::cool10::cool10:


Nice work there robertbob , but when fully topped off in fuel , doesn't it exceed the weight limit for the trunk rack ?

If it was filled with beer , it would have to be lite beer ! :rotf::rotf::beer:




Nice looking tank, but I was curious is there laws in the US about putting extra fuel in a tank like that.


I think (not sure) up here that would be illegal. I also believe that the tank would have to pass many tests (non destuctive and destructive) before it would be approved. It would porbably have to be solid mounted as well.




doesn't it exceed the weight limit for the trunk rack ? Yes about 5lb.

The aux tank with gas in all weigh about 30 lb. With beer about 27.98 lb lite.

Here are a few more pictures for the road.


I think (not sure) up here that would be illegal. Every thing is Illegal if you think about it. Some times you got to go for it. The tank will come off in less

then 5min and put in the truck if I need to.:cool10::cool10::stirthepot::detective::


The tank will come off in less then 5min and put in the truck if I need to.:cool10::cool10::stirthepot::detective::


3 gallons in that truck is not gonna get you far :sign20:




:mugshot::mugshot:go to http://www.tourbuddy.com/bikes.shtml or

http://www.streetchopperweb.com/tech/0702_stcp_tour_tank_installation/index.html or http://www.tourtank.com/parts.html The last one is were I got mine. I can put it in the trunk and it will still work.

Out of sight out of mind. :sign busted::sign just kidding::sign back to topic::sign your welcome::sign yeah that::group cheers: Life is to short to worry about the litter stuff. I have incresed my mile from 200 max? to 320?.

You will have to stop two time to my one time. I got to quit now the Cherry Brandy is getting in my way.

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