rentalguy1 Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 I'm new here, but thought I'd share. Wife is preggers, and had a appointment today. Doc said she was 2cm dilated and 75% effaced. He said baby will be here within the week, if not tonight. She's been having contractions since yesterday. They got down under 7 minutes apart about midnight, so I took her to the hospital. They think her water has broke, but they are having a difficult time confirming it. They won't let her go home, but they won't admit her yet, either. So now we are in limbo. When our first was born (13 years ago), we went to the hospital at 5PM, and had the same song and dance. Four hours later he was born. I was worried about how fast it happened last time, and this being her second child may make it even quicker. Now it kinda sux because we could have been home getting some sleep. Oh well, better safe than sorry. Oh well. Coffee break is over. I'll update when there is news.
Aussie Annie Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Welcome to the site:thumbsup: and congrats on the up-coming birth:big-grin-emoticon: We shall wait for the good news
6pak Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Ok, it's been 4 hours. No news is good news?
CaptainJoe Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Ya just know he did that on purpose! Now we're all sitting here on the edge our seats waiting to find out if its a boy or a girl!
515Rod Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Congrats and Welcome,, Praying for You, mama, and your new little one. May He or She strong and healthy.
mini-muffin Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Dang if they want to be cautious they should just admit the poor girl. That's gotta drive ya nuts. Oh Also I hope for a safe and easy delivery for mom and baby. Guess I'll have to keep checking back to find out if the baby has arrived or not and what it is and what it's name is, maybe the weight and all too. Ok I'll stop Margaret
Trader Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 When our first was born (13 years ago), Planned Parenthood! This way you've got your own built in babysitter for when you want some seat time with the wife! Congratulations....probably everybody here would agree on one piece of advice.....Spend as much time as you can with your kids! They grow up too fast and you WILL be sorry if you don't!
Nighthawk II Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 WHEW!!!! I'm sure glad that my baby makin days are long past...10,253 cigars could set a feller back a bit. Jokes aside, hope all goes well for mom and baby on delivery. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.
rentalguy1 Posted September 29, 2010 Author Posted September 29, 2010 Sorry it took me so long to post. It's been a busy day. I got back to the hospital at 4AM and they were checking her again. Her water had definitely broke and they admitted her then. Her OB ordered pitocin at 6 AM to speed things along, but the wife refused it until she had been checked. Doc finally showed up and checked her a little after 8AM and she was 8cm. Needless to say, the order for pitocin was scrapped. They got the epidural started at 5AM, and it worked a little for the first two hours. After that, nada. They pushed 4 syringes full of something into the epidural and it did nothing. At 8:30 the wife is screaming, kicking and yes, even biting (my arm was the victim). At 8:50 she starts screaming that she needs to push, and only her nurse and I were in the room. I spent the next 15 minutes telling her that she couldn't push til the doc came back, and holding her legs together. Doc comes in at 9:06, and Ellie Rose joined us at 9:08, after 3 whole pushes. It was like a scene out of a movie during the last half hour. The Exorcist comes to mind. It was BAD. Ellie came out not just kicking, but flailing arms and legs, and screaming. This kid has a set of lungs (could hear her from the nursery, and we were all the way at the other end of the hall in the waiting room later on. She had a apgar of 8 at 1 minute and 9 at 5 minutes. No breastfeeding practice needed with this one...she took right to it. Mom had some issues with the placenta that led to a emergency surgery about 30 minutes after delivery. Was supposed to be a 5 minute thing, but it turned into a 40 minute ordeal. They were only supposed to have to put her partially under, but ended up having to totally knock her out. She almost had to have a hysterectomy. All is well now, though. She is sore, but is being a trooper. Our 13 year old over the top excited. He can't get enough of her. I am the same way. We've both gotten to hold her for quite a while today. I am a little nervous, though. I feel like I am coming down with a bad cold now. I feel horrible. I am hoping that it is just a side effect from only sleeping 8 hours total in the last 72. I am hitting the sack in a few and not moving until in the morning. Thanks for sticking with me.
Aussie Annie Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 :dancefool::sign woo hoo: Congrats on beautiful baby girl. Give mum all our love :bighug:
Angel Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 Ahh...what a sweet baby ! CONGRATULATIONS to you & your family....
rentalguy1 Posted September 29, 2010 Author Posted September 29, 2010 Dang if they want to be cautious they should just admit the poor girl. That's gotta drive ya nuts. Oh Also I hope for a safe and easy delivery for mom and baby. Guess I'll have to keep checking back to find out if the baby has arrived or not and what it is and what it's name is, maybe the weight and all too. Ok I'll stop Margaret Sorry. I forgot to add this: 6lbs 6oz, 19.5 inches long.
mini-muffin Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 Glad all came out ok in the end. She's a beauty, gonna be a heartbreaker when she gets older. You're gonna have your hands full with all them boys. Take good care of mom she's been through plenty. Margaret
Sideoftheroad Posted September 29, 2010 Posted September 29, 2010 Congrats. Seemed to take forever for our 1st to be delivered. Wife kept pushing and nada, so they did a c-section. Every child after that took less time to deliver. Last one took like 30 minutes from the time we got to the hospital to delivery. He was ready and came out like a kid going down a waterslide. (hope the wife doesn't see my analogy LOL.)
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