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Boy do I feel stupid....


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Went out to install a center stand on the '99 this morning. I'd been making headway when I decided to get back up from laying on the floor wrenchin' to get another tool. Instead of grabbing the work stool for support, I figured I could stand on my own.. Nope!! Ended up flat on my face and blood all over the place. Wife came out and thought I was dead... I may have been out for a few secs... I donno?? But I finaly said something and she said 'Oh Damn!'. Now I'm not sure if it was because she was greatfull I was alive... or disppointed?? Anyway 2 skinned up knees, and one big time skinned up forehead. I quit for the day...

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Hey Jack,

Us old guys have to be careful, we don't "Bounce" like we use to! I hope you are feeling better. When you have recovered, I would like to hear more about your center stand project. Some pics would be nice. (of the center stand, not of your busted up noggen!):doh:

Rest up and take another run at it when you feel better. :thumbsup2:


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Anyway 2 skinned up knees, and one big time skinned up forehead. I quit for the day...


Only a day??? Usually with you, it is a week or more (usually much more)..... :stirthepot:


Besides it is way too early, to get into your haloween costume, or was this a trial run...... :stickpoke: :duck:

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When I was building my garage, I was standing on a stack of OSB in the back of my truck while I lifted the upper floor pieces up through the ceiling joists. Bad idea!


Well, as I pushed a piece of OSB up, the stack I was standing on shifted. I lost my footing and fell onto the concrete, a piece of 3/4" OSB in tow.:starz:


I smacked my head pretty hard, so the first thing I did was feel aound my skull to see if I was bleeding. Then I looked around to see if anyone was watching.


I don't know what got hurt worse, my body, or my pride.


The funny part was, even though I did break my own wrist in the fall, everyone at church asked my wife what she had done to me! :no-no-no:


That made the recovery so much more bearable.


Glad to know you are o.k.


As I get older, I think about emergencies a lot more and keep my cell in my pocket more often.

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