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A little TLC Part II

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Well here is a continuation of bringing my scoot up to my standards of performance. This weekend Skydoc and me performed the following:


1. Carb diaphragm replacement (21 years and 30K miles)

2. Needle Valve Shim (Interested to see how much this can help)

3. Carb sync

3. Clutch diaphragm spring upgrade (because I was getting some slippage)


I can honestly say I was shocked how much the carb tune-up helped. No vibrations at idle and silky smooth cruising down the highway. Overall throttle response is much better (probaly because the carb were so far out of sync). I suspect my fuel mileage will increase too and I am anxious to see the results from a month of driving. I will report back.


The clutch spring upgrade will have to wait for an honest assessment as I need to get my seat to Rick for modification and it is raining and will do so most of the week.


I want to personally thank Skydoc for cruising down and helping me get a handle on some of my gremlins and for teaching me a thing or two about the black art of carbs. This forum is blessed with so many great folks and I am honored to be a part of it. :hurts:

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Hey Mike,

Thanks very much for the kind words! YOU did most of the work! Folks, I could have not picked a better "First Ride" of the season than to the beautiful state of Virginia! Mike and his lovely wife Penny have a Beautiful home and were VERY gracious, Southern hospitality is alive and well in Virginia my friends. Mike has and excellent example of a low mileage 1989 MKII VR (and he also has one of the fastest Vette's I have ever ridden in!!) In my mind, I was ready for a good old fashion "showdown" between the Vette and my trusty 87"VR but my back (and my wife) wasn't willing! I am sure Mike would have been MORE than happy to blow my doors off but because he is a "Virginia Gentleman" he never pushed the issue. As I was leaving this morning, it began to rain. Mike offered to trailer my bike to dry weather. I was truly touched by his offer, and opted for the course change that he also offered. About an hour and a half into the trip I rode into sunshine and finished my 500 mile round trip dry as a bone and two new friends richer. (Plus 4 dog friends richer) Seems after I left, the youngest dog, Rocket was pining for the old Skydoc,

I guess we played "fetch the stick" a few to many times! That Rocket wouldn't give up, he made me chase that darn stick 40 or 50 times!! Boy, he could throw that stick a long ways! I got tired after a while, and Penny FINALLY saved me. I got a long, cool drink from my own bowl that she put on the floor. I think I broke a tooth (wink) on the food I had with the rest of the pups, and I only had to stand on my hind legs once for my after dinner treat! Like I said, That Mike, he's a real swell guy.

Thanks again to Mike and Penny, and please tell Rocket we can be "pen pals" :thumbsup2:


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Hey Mike,

That Rocket wouldn't give up, he made me chase that darn stick 40 or 50 times!! Boy, he could throw that stick a long ways!




I haven't had a stick in my hands all weekend....... :stickpoke:


Besides, I can't throw for you, from Alberta.... :bang head:



I know you meant the other Rocket, but I just could not pass this up. :stirthepot: :rotf::rotf:

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In my mind, I was ready for a good old fashion "showdown" between the Vette and my trusty 87"VR but my back (and my wife) wasn't willing! I am sure Mike would have been MORE than happy to blow my doors off but because he is a "Virginia Gentleman" he never pushed the issue.



Ah come on Earl it is just a little red Corvette what harm could possibly come of it? Besides the HP to Weight ratio would have been in your favor :whistling: right up to about 125 mph and then it is a matter of displacement (6600cc vs 1800cc) and aerodynamics. One of these days we will have to find a roadrace track and prove/disprove this theory. 1/4 mile is too short I like to stretch the legs of the vette.

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